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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 012399


contributed by sw3wn/WH
Cubesoft Network, along with the WH group, two HNN affiliates, have opened a new web hosting service for web sites about advanced technology applications such as computer programming, networking and security. They are calling this new service Hackertown. There are two types of accounts - the basic free account, and a 'standard' account. For only $10/year, you get a full shell account, ftp access of course and a pop3 mailbox. (Sales are handled by cubesoft network, so credit cards are accepted). The free account uses a web-type interface for uploading/administration. The goal of this service is to promote free speech on the internet, and allow people to publish information without having to pay too much for an ISP.

Cubesoft Networks
WH group

  TCP Wrappers, trojan

contributed by Space Rogue
tcp_wrappers_7.6.tar.gz may possibly be a trojan says CERT. Supposedly the trojan opens up a root shell on port 421 and mails the machine and current user information to an 'external address'.

CERT Advisory


contributed by lothos
The RootFest '99 computer security convention formal announcement has been released. There is a bio on each of the 13 speakers attending, plus hotel information and directions to the Minneapolis Convention Center. There is a new site layout as well.

RootFest 99

The HackerNews Network has created a new page to list the various Hacking Conventions. Check it out.


  BSA takes down Danes

contributed by Space Rogue
The Business Software Alliance in conjunction with local authorities broke up a ring of software pirates who advertised their warez on the Internet. According to the figures presented in this story the 125,000 CDs confiscated had a street value of $1896 US each. Considering that pirated software is considerably less valuable than the real thing we have to wonder just what where these guys were selling 125,000 copies of?


  USIA site taken out

contributed by x0rro
The US Information Agency, an organization devoted to providing information to US diplomats around the world, had its web site cracked. This is the second crack in the last few months for the USIA. The main pages were defaced with the name 'Zyklon'.

US Information Agency

  Even more Winn Fallout

contributed by Fennelly
Here is another article criticizing Winn Schwartau's recent article "Corporate vigilantes go on the offensive to hunt down hackers" It is good to see that Winn can't fool everyone.

Computer Virus Myths

  Trendy Security

contributed by Thievco
As Information Security moves more and more into the mainstream the carpet baggers and snake oil salesmen seem to be everywhere. Thievco has posted a pretty good rant about what he labels "Trendy Security"

Trendy Security

  Ernest & Young goes North, eh?

contributed by DanteInfo
News story or Ernst & Young advertisement? This happens to cover the opening of the Ernst & Young Canadian office. whoppie.

CNN Financial

buffer overflow

c o n s
a b o u t
p r e s s
s u b m i t
s e a r c h
c o n t a c t


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