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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 012400

  Kevin Mitnick Released Last Friday

contributed by fats0, Ryan, and others
Kevin Mitnick's four plus year ordeal with the US Justice system took a step closer to ending last Friday when Kevin walked out of Lompac Federal Prison. His release has caused an avalanche of news articles all of which pretty much say the same thing.

ZD Net - Cybercrime
ZD Net
ZD Net
Australian Broadcasting Company
LA Times
Associated Press - Chicago Sun Times
APB Online
NY Times

Kevin's interview with 60 Minutes aired last Sunday and as expected Ed Bradely focused mostly on the crimes and not the legal wrangling that set this case apart from others like it. While Shimimora was also interviewed no mention of the controversy surrounding his involvement was made. Also left out of the piece was the shenanigans perpetrated by the federal prosecutors during the case. One inaccuracy that we saw was mention that Kevin was once on the FBI's Most Wanted list. While he did make it onto the US Marshals list, he was never on the FBI's list. (Anyone have a link to a Real Media Stream?)


  DeCSS Source Included in Public Court Records

contributed by Weld Pond
The source code for DeCSS has been included in public court records for the case. It is hard to understand how proprietary this information is if it has been published in court documents available to anyone.

Cryptome - Legal Documents - More on the case

  French Smart Card Expert Goes to Trial

contributed by sian
An expert in smart card technology has been arrested and faces up to seven years in jail, and a fine of £500,000 after he designed a fake smart card that could be used to defraud 'any cash terminal'. Serge Humpich then offered the spoofed card to French banks in exchange for £20 million. The banks accused him of blackmail.

The UK Register

  Palm HotSync Manager is Vulnerable to DoS Attack

contributed by kingpin
We don't usually cover individual security vulnerabilities here at HNN but this one is interesting. The Palm HotSync Manager is vulnerable to DoS attack which may also crash the system and possibly allow the execution of arbitrary code. Anyone who runs HotSync Manager over the network is a potential target of attack.

Beyond-Security's SecuriTeam

  Viruses Cost the World $12.1 Billion

contributed by nvirb
According to a recent study conducted by Computer Economics, a California based computer consulting firm, the world spent $12.1 billion last year in a war against malicious self replicating code. The $12.1 Billion figure is based on lost productivity, network downtime and the expense involved in getting rid of the virus. (Hmmmm, that number seems ridiculously large.)

APB News

  L0pht and @Stake Create Controversy

contributed by Weld Pond
The recent merger of the hacker think tank L0pht Heavy Industries with security services company @Stake has created an immense buzz within the industry. Unfortunately some journalists (well one actually) don't seem to get it and have published some potentially libelous comments regarding the merger.
ZD Net

Other writers seem to have more legitimate concerns but it still obvious that they have not done their research.
ZD Net

And still others actually seem to understand.
Boston Herald
ABC News

  Several New Ezine Issues Available

contributed by Armour, The Hex, and others
New editions of several underground e-zines have been released. InET from Columbia in both English and Spanish, Issue #1 of Hack in the Box, Quadcon #3 from Australia and DataZine 0.01 from the folks at Datacore have hit the streets. Get your copies now!

Hack In the Box

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Last Updated: 10/09/00 at 02:00

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University of Kentucky (
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Naperville File Exchange (
Knox Server (
The Centre for Electronics Design and Technology , ( ( (
Southern New England Telecommunications (
Ohio State Government (
Delusions (
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Colter Computers ( ( ( (

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