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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 012699

  Indonesia Cracks East Timor

contributed by Anonymous
The Indonesian Government is being accused of sponsoring cyberterrorism in allegedly cracking Connect-Ireland, an ISP that hosted the virtual country domain for East Timor. The East Timorese Internet domain [.tp] was established only twelve months ago by the East Timorese Project. The attacks originated simultaneously from such countries as Australia, Japan, Holland and the United States.

Telepolis - German

  Quakenbush Responds to L0pht

contributed by Simple Nomad
Last week we reported that L0pht had released a security advisory concerning an NT password auditing tool known as Password Appraiser. Well, Quakenbush has responded, they DON'T condemn L0pht, and actually try to get some clean hands around a dirty product. In the world of security freeware/shareware, Quakenbush SHOULD have known that the vast majority of people in the world will 1) use the demo product as if it is production code, 2) blindly trust that the security product, even in demo mode, is secure. I mean, who reads disclaimers? Administrators?

NY Times
CMP Tech Web
L0pht Heavy Industries

  Intel backs down

contributed by tazinator and darkscent
Intel has buckled under pressure from electronic privacy groups and agreed to ship all of their new Pentium III chips with the ID mask turned off. When a user starts up their system for the first time, the option to activate or deactivate the user ID will be available.
For some, this was excellent news coming just four hours after Junkmasters and EPIC had started their planned boycott of Intel products. But for others, it was only step in the right direction. The Intel boycott is still in effect until members of the privacy groups are able to look further into the details of the chip's changes.

Junk Busters- Organizers of the boycott
Electronic Privacy Information Center- Organizers of the boycott
ABC News
Internet News

  Florida Sells License Photos

contributed by Code Kid
Ever have a Florida Drivers License? 14 Million drivers license photos have been sold for a penny each to a company in New Hampshire. Supposedly this is to create a database to help retailers 'prevent fraud'. Anything in the name of security I guess. I have to ask what other databases did this company buy?

St. Petersburg Times

  Hiring Hackers to protect systems

contributed by Code Kid
An unlikely source for a story but KPMG is on its way to India and plans on launching what it calls the first Information Security Survey (ISS) for the country. Basically one big FUD article and an advertisement for KPMG.

The Hindu

  How hackers cover their tracks.

contributed by Skr1pt
FUD article or Newbie guide? Granted the stuff covered in this article is pretty basic covering only the most rudimentary techniques but it will definitely scare the pants off of any old CEO types who don't have a clue.


  ATMs run windows

found on slashdot
Interesting picture of an ATM with a windows error message popping up. Glad I don't have my dough in this bank.


Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 01/11/01 at 18:53

Marconi, Inc. (
Adzone (
DCS (Za) (
Salmon and Steelhead Habitat Inventory and Assessment Project (SSHIAP) (
Red Sky Interactive (
Dramatic Technology Ltd (
Comat India (
Premiere Media Group (
Université de Montréal - Accueil (
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry - Croatia (
Jornal Do Brasil S/A (
Francisco Jose Sanchez Bernal (
Dolphin Integration (
Pandora Potenza Srl - Innovazione Via Internet (
UTN Edu (AR) (

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