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News for 020600

  DeCSS, Court Documents, Protests and Fund Raisers

contributed by Weld Pond
Court documents surrounding the MPAA court case over DeCSS have been posted along with a transcript of the hearing and a copy of the preliminary injunction. (I think the defense needs to get a DVD burner and demonstrate to the court that they can dupe a DVD. Then they need to rip the DVD to a hard disk, send it over a network wire to the other side of the room and burn a copy there.)


Protests Scheduled for Today
Protests are scheduled for today (Friday) at movie theaters around the world. Flyers in multiple languages have been made to pass out during the protests.

Press Release

Fund Raisers Planned
The Digital Commerce Society of Boston has organized a fund raiser to support the recent litigation efforts of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The EFF is handling the legal aspect of the DeCSS fight. The DCSB is hoping to raise $10,000 to donate to the cause.



  27 Months for Piracy

contributed by mortel
A British citizen has been sentenced in U.S. District Court in San Jose to 27 months in prison for selling pirated copies of popular computer programs, such as Microsoft Excel, Lotus 123 and Auto Desk AutoCAD. He was originally indicted by a federal grand jury in April 1996. (It took almost four years to come to trail? No wonder the guy pleaded guilty.)

Yahoo News

  Security Holes Allow Prices to be Changed

contributed by turtlex
Shopping cart software is vulnerable to users changing the price of goods. By altering a page locally or twiddling with a URL customers are sometimes able to purchase goods online for whatever price the choose.

The UK Register

  Carders Congregate in IRC

contributed by sean
The illegal exchange of credit card numbers is big business and it happens in IRC chat rooms, where law enforcement seldom goes. The consumer is only limited to a $50 liability and the huge CC company passes fraudulent charges back to the small time vendors so who has the motivation to stop it?


  Tempest Tutorial and Bug Scanning 101

contributed by James
An excellent tutorial on the eavesdropping technology known as tempest has been posted. It covers the history as well as the theory behind this potentially frightening technology.

Tempest Tutorial

On the Same Site we also found an excellent article covering commonly used listening device frequencies. It covers everything from 15.7kHz to the 2.4 GHz band. (Only for the truly paranoid.)

Bug Scanning 101

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Last Updated: 10/10/00 at 00:45

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