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News for 020899

  se7en exposed

contributed by media wh0re
Se7en (aka Christian Valor) and his single handed cracker crusade against pedophiles has been exposed for the sham that it is. Se7en succeed in creating a massive media hack as articles of his infamous exploits were published in Forbes, MSNBC, LA Times, Newsday and others. Steve Silberman at Wired has written an excellent article that uncovers the lies and exposes the myths of all that se7en is.

Wired The Evidence
Ethical Hackers Against Pedophilia- The real deal

  Air Force nabs cracker

contributed by mortel
An Air Force Academy cadet has been charged with cracking the computers of three private companies and causing more than 40-thousand dollars in damage. The cadet faces a courts martial and may receive up to 15 and a half years in federal prison. This is believed to the first computer crime case to reach courts martial status in the Air Force.

Yahoo News

  F0rbidden Knowledge

contributed by wyze1
Issue Three of the F0rbidden Knowledge e-zine has been released. It contains articles on making a system automatically respond to connection attempts using TCP Wrappers, Advanced Beige boxing methods and Cracking the EAN Barcode System amongst other very high quality articles.

F0rbidden Knowledge

  U of Arkansas Cracked

contributed by Code Kid
The University of Arkansas may have been cracked and had its password files compromised. Local authorities believe the cracker has invaded systems in five states. University officials think the cracker has been in their systems since November but the crack wasn't discovered until recently.



contributed by Space Rogue
The FREE KEVIN website has added information about some interesting new developments in the Kevin Mitnick case. If you have been following this case (and especially if you haven't) they are worth reading. Evidently Congressman Henry Waxman (D) from Los Angeles has been asking questions as to why Kevin Mitnick is the only person in US history to be incarcerated for almost four years without a pretrial bail hearing.


  Hacker Heaven

contributed by erehwon
The National Police Agency in Japan is planning to open a secret headquarters in July for its "cyber-cop" squad. The best part of this article is at the end: "The good news for the cops is that Japanese hackers also lag behind their cohorts overseas. 'Domestic cyber-criminals are still low-tech,' said Kawabe. " I always thought the internet was a global thing?


  Crackers increase with Internet

contributed by m0ng3r
FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) are pretty much all there is in this article of absolutely no substance. After reading this you would wonder why anyone uses the net at all? The net is just chock full of crackers waiting to pounce you poor unsuspecting internet users. Jeeezzz.

Yahoo News

contributed by Anonymous
Iraq's wiped out?
Editors Note: We do not have a link to the below story. The person who submitted it claimed that is was published on Jan. 31, 1999 on the back page of "Ma'ariv" a daily newspaper published in Hebrew.

An Israeli daily newspaper reported today that a 14 year old computer hacker, has wiped out an Iraqi government web site. The young hacker, found out about the site from a computer magazine in Israel. He said that "It annoyed me that if in Israel they are afraid to wipe out Saddam, then at least I will wipe out his web site. I used a certain program to locate the site's server and I came to the conclusion that it was located in the Persian Gulf region."
He then proceeded to send an e-mail message to the site's administrator stating that he is a Palestinian that had created a program that would damage Israeli sites. "This convinced them to open the e-mail message" he said. The next day the site was wiped out. A short time later he received a nasty e-mail message signed by "Fa'eez" who is responsible for the site. The site is used by an English language Arab newspaper. At this time the Iraqi site has not been put back online.

Cracked Sites
We received reports that the following people cracked the following web sites. Many of the sites where restored by the time we looked at them.

|ndig00, f0bic, jay, opt1mus_pr1me, mindphasr, HcV, Decendents of Hell, RETRiBUTiON, Elite Force Hackers, |ViRuSeD|, [^X^CliEnT^], and LoRd OaK

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 12/06/00 at 11:30

Lebanese Armed Forces (
Be Cool, Inc. (
iBingo (
Companhia de Informatica do Parana -- Celepar (
Votei!-Desenvolvimento & Marketing Ltda. (
Taltek Ltd. (
Gruenenthal Online (
Starting Point, L.L.C. (
Haifa University Campus Network (
Francesco Brogna ( ( (
Idea Integration Support Services of Nevada Corporation (
Ace Rent-A-Car Inc (
Kinky Mags (
Centre Ring Ltd (

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