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News for 021799

  Hacker Challenge

contributed by DukeCS
The German Magazine "InternetWorld" will award 1000.- DM ($565 US aprox) if anybody can break into a special Server (NT4 + service pack 4 including a "Checkpoint-Firewall"). At the root of the server ( is a text file called hacked.txt. In this file is an e-mail address were you can contact the webmaster and let them know that you have cracked the machine.

Internet World - German

HNN has released a special report on Hacker Challenges in general written by Qubik. It asks the question of whether Hacker Challenges such as the one above are legitimate testing tools or merely marketing gimmicks. Check it out in the Buffer Overflow section.

Buffer Overflow

  ID Software Cracked

contributed by Midnight Toker
ID Software posted to BugTraq yesterday that it had been cracked. They claimed that perpetrator used "out-of-the-box" features of Website Pro 2.0. They claimed that the attackers used /cgi-dos/args.bat as well as /cgi-win/uploader.exe to upload new files and overwrote their index.html file with a "Free Kevin" webpage. ID Software warned other users of WebSite Pro 2.0 that they should change the defaults.

ID Software
Game Spot


contributed by kra
A new version of the cool tool Hunt has been released. Version 1.3 is the first version which is capable of successfully spoofing hosts on switched ports. This means that Level 2 ethernet switches don't protect you against sniffing or hijacking unless they are carefully configured with security in mind.

Hunt 1.3

  Thieves trick Crackers

contributed by erehwon
Is organized crime enlisting script kiddies for help? Are "professional" crackers using trick software that lets these script kiddies do the cracking for them? Do they offer free tools for people to use which then reports the results of the cracks back to the criminals? Are they essentially creating an army of crackers to attacks thousands of sites while the real bad guys sit back and collect the data?

Tech Web
Foc News


contributed by tip
After several months, an HNN Affiliate, B4B0 has released the latest issue of its hilarious and informative ezine. Issue 6 contains the latest and greatest information, all adhering to the liberation of normalcy.


  Israel Blamed

contributed by Code Kid
The International Intellectual Property Alliance has asked the Israel be named a priority foreign country" under U.S. trade law. This designation could lead to trade sanctions. The IIPA has taken this measure because they feel that Israel is a world leader as a source of pirated music, movies and software.

Nando Times

  Cybercop 2.5

contributed by Megan A. Haquer
Network Associates Inc. has released a Linux version of its CyberCop Scanner a product that searches out server holes and network vulnerabilities. CyberCop was previously only available for Windows NT.

ZD Net
Network Associates

contributed by dunkelsite
Venezuela Cracked
At dawn local time on February 16, 1999, and where cracked by ^^DarDdEath^^ and Dunkelseite respectively. In both cases the home page was changed to protest against bad government, corruption and the suffering of 80% of the Venezuelans who live in critical poverty.

HNN Defaced Pages Archive
Central Office of Coordination and Planning

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 10/11/00 at 05:15

ELMA ( (
RCSUSA, Inc. (
Muenchner Symphoniker e.V. (
DATA Software, s.r.o. (
Arpao Servicos de Informatica Ltda (
Scania Slovenija, d.o.o. ( (
Games Workshop ( (
Gustavo Castillo (
Sexy Blonde Cam (
Estudio Charne (AR) (
Guia Virtual (
BYT Informatica (
Farmacianuevaera (

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