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News for 022200

  Sympatico Quiet on Search for mafiaboy

contributed by twilyght
Bell Canada's Sympatico Internet service, Canada's largest Internet service provider, refused to comment on weekend reports that police had searched the company's files for information about a user known as 'mafiaboy', who has been linked to data attacks this month on e-commerce sites. After an accusation by Recourse Technologies Inc., that mafiaboy was based in Canada RCMP officials have searched the offices of other service providers in the area.

The Toronto Star

  ISPs Look at Customer Security as Low Priority

contributed by William Knowles
After the recent media hyped denial of service attacks against such major online sites as Yahoo, CNN, ZD Net and others, home users are becoming more and more concerned about their own security and are looking to their ISPs for help. ISPs say that they are doing the best that they can to respond to customer requests.

ZD Net

  Circumventing DVD Zoning

contributed by no0ne
The movie industry has divided the world into different DVD zones. A DVD made for a certain zone is not going to play or be recognized by DVD players in other zones, at least that was how it was supposed to be. People have found different ways of circumventing the zoning, detailing ways of how to make DVD players from certain regions read DVD's meant for other regions.

The Register UK

  Voters Kill Filter Proposal

contributed by janoVd
While a majority of voters in Michigan cast ballots in favor of presidential hopeful John McCain, voters in the small town of Holland were also voting on whether to allow the public library to install filters on its computers. Residents of the small town voted 4,379 to 3,626 against the proposal, which would have cut off funding to the library unless the filters were installed. Proponents of the measure have said that the defeat won't end their fight to get filters installed on the library computers. (The people have spoken, listen to them!)

Associated Press - via Boston Globe

  Former CIA Director Regrets Security Breech

contributed by Evil Wench
Former CIA Director John Deutch appeared before the Senate Intelligence Committee to answer questions regarding his use of computers at his home for classified material. There is no evidence that indicates his system was comprised during the time it was used May 1995 to December 1996. (Companies should learn from this when employees take their laptops home.)

Reuters - via Yahoo

  SEC to Hire 60 Online Detectives

contributed by acopalyse
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman, Arthur Levitt, ahs said that the SEC has already hired half of its desired goal of 60 new cybercops to police the Internet. SEC plans to add up to 100 people to its 850-member enforcement staff. This enforcement staff is made up mostly of lawyers and analysts, with about 60 of them dedicated to combating Internet fraud.

Computer Currents

  New Version of DeCSS Available

contributed by Odin
We reported on this last week but the mainstream is finally catching up. A small utility called "DeCSS" that strips Cascading Style Sheet tags from an HTML document has been released. It is hoped that people will download, post and link to this version in an effort to confuse and confound the MPAA lawyers.


  Windows-NT vs. CP/M

contributed by Dan
This may be old but it is too funny not to post. Microsoft has come out with a number of benchmarks and comparison papers championing the fact that Windows-NT is much better than every other operating system. But is it better than CP/M? Yes, CP/M. One of the first personal computer operating systems. (And the one I first used on an Osborne One)

Windows-NT vs. CP/M

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