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News for 030100

  Still No Motive for DDoS Attacks

contributed by turtlex
During testimony before the House and Senate Judiciary committees Micheal Vatis from NIPC has said that they still are unsure of a motive in the recent DDoS attacks. He went on to say that they are also unsure if the attacks where carried out by one person or several. According to Vatis the FBI is busy tracking down hundreds of which lead overseas, hampering the investigation.

Associated Press - via Yahoo

  First Canadian Computer Crime Conviction

contributed by acoplayse
A Quebec court Tuesday convicted a 22-year-old man of electronically breaking into the computers of various government and corporate institutions. This is believed to be the first time a Canadian court has passed sentence in such a case. In a 12-page ruling, Quebec Court Justice Andre Bilodeau found Quebec City resident Pierre-Guy Lavoie guilty under Canada's criminal code of fraudulently using computer passwords to perpetrate computer crimes. He received a sentence of 12 months of probation with community service.

Reuters - via Yahoo

  Major Systems Fail in Japan On Leap Day

contributed by no0ne
Cash machines, weather and earthquake predictions system, and even a nuclear power plant had problems coping with the recent leap day. Mikio Aoki, chief government spokesman admitted that the Japanese government has been careless in preparing for the leap year bug.


Other minor issues where reported at locations around the world.

Nando Times

  HP's Cyber Insurance Takes a Hit

contributed by acoplayse
Concerns are being raised that HP's new cyber intrusion insurance package does not go far enough. It is thought that putting a commercial value on damage caused by such intruders might escalate rather than contain the problem. An analyst with Strategy Partners said that HP's $2m worth of coverage offered for an annual premium of $57,000 was nowhere near enough, particularly for financial organizations. "Denial of service will cost them millions of dollars every minute that they are out of business," he warned. (Millions of dollars every minute? I would sure like to invest in any company making millions of dollars a minute.)

  Security Accountability is Still Low

contributed by acoplayse
CIOs of new Internet startups and e-commerce companies are not being held accountable by stockholders or the venture capitalists when it comes to security. Stockholders of Internet companies should be asking who inside the company is responsible and is being held accountable for security. If the answer is no one then you can be assured that security will continue to be a low priority. Most executive management teams choose not to take enough measures to protect its customers and systems until after a security incident of considerable magnitude has taken place and tend to be reactive instead of proactive when it comes to security. (ECommerce companies tend to blame cyber intruders when the real culprit is a severe lack of security.)

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Last Updated: 06/12/00 at 17:30

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