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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 030499

  Satellite security questioned

contributed by Space Rogue
Mondays allegation that crackers had taken control of a British military satellite and where holding it for ransom has now been thoroughly denied by the British Ministry of Defense. Several people are looking into the security not only surrounding military satellites but commercial ones as well.

And if you missed it yesterday be sure to check out HNN's own Security Assessment of satellites in the Buffer Overflow section.
Buffer Overflow

Reuters, the news wire that first distributed the story has now, four days later, printed a retraction.
Yahoo Daily News

  The Turing Test

contributed by Code Kid
Is it live or is digital? The BBC is again hosting MegaLab 99 where web surfers can chat with a mystery person for four minutes, after which users must decide if that person was a computer or if it was real. The test is occurring between 1900 and 2100 GMT everyday until Wednesday, 10 March.

The Turing Test

  Microsoft Busts Pirates

contributed by Juarez Dude
Once again Microsoft is going after software pirates, this time filing suit against 19 distributors in two states.

Nando Times

  Monica Lewinsky Cracked

contributed by Code Kid
While the entire nation was watching Barbara Walters interview Monica Lewinsky last night on television some enterprising crackers where busy defacing a web site with Monica's name. has been cracked and is still that way at 10:30am EST.

Defaced Pages Archive

  Tools of the Spy Trade

contributed by ooL
A private collection of Soviet and East German spy equipment is on private display at CIA headquarters in Langley Virginia. Some of the items in the privately owned collection include a Steineck Watch Camera, KGB Surveillance Glasses, An Umbrella Camera and other neat toys. The owner is hoping to display the collection at the Smithsonian in the near future.


  HNN Responds to Carolyn Meinel

contributed by Carolyn Meinel
In her recent newsletter Carolyn Meinel, author and self described security expert, questioned the integrity of HNNs reporting. She claims that HNN completely manufactured the LoU Declaration of War and the AntiOnline Hacks. You can read all about the Legions of the Underground here and decide for yourself. As for the AntiOnline Hack the original story was posted in the Rumors sections and was clearly labeled as unconfirmed.

Carolyn Meinel's biggest gripe seems to be HNN reprinted a quote attributed to her at a demonstration at the University of New Mexico. The quote was republished by HNN exactly as it originally appeared in the Albuquerque Journal. Mysteriously the original article has disappeared from the Albuquerque Journal web site. The original quote was "It's in a foreign country, and they're not gonna extradite a whole room full of geeks." We will let you make up your own mind as to whether this is a good or bad quote.

HNN stands by all of it stories.

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Last Updated: 12/18/00 at 01:30

Department of Veterans Affairs (
Horizon Capital Bank (
J.J. Smith Foundation (
Apmanta Gov (EC) (
Chung Ang University, Korea (
Malaysian Rubber Board (
society halls (
State of Washington (
AMTEL Slovensko Ltd. (
Hit Hive (
Software GW (
U.S. Navy Medical (
The Communications Center (
A. Eric Olson (
Alloy Computer Products (
Ian Oliver (

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