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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 030699

  Pentagon investigates Russian cyberattacks

contributed by Bronc
A probe has been launched into recent efforts of crackers attempting to access Pentagon computer systems. Pentagon officials are unsure if this is a coordinate attack or the work of separate individuals. Early indications show that many of the attacks have originated in Russia and may have had the assistance of a insider. No classified networks have yet been breached. U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary John Hamre has been quoted as saying "It is a major concern." (Ed Note: This is the same John Hamre who last year was quoted as saying "This is the most coordinated attack we have seen to date" when referring to attacks on government systems by three teenagers.)

ABC News
Nando Times
The Sydney Morning Herald threatened by AntiOnline

contributed by siko, a humorous web site that pokes fun at the information security world, is claiming it is being threatened by AntiOnline. An email letter evidently from John Vranesevich, a general partner of AntiOnline, was sent to This letter accuses Innerpulse of posting libelous and inflammatory comments directed at AntiOnline. The letter also asks Innerpulse to remove the offending material or face a lawsuit. CubeSoft Communications, the web hoaster for has responded to the allegations on the web site.


  Key Escrow a no go in UK

contributed by Code Kid
The British government is going to back down over giving law enforcement the power to eavesdrop on personal and business data sent over the Internet. The Foundation for Information Policy Research said that Prime Minister Tony Blair has made it clear the government would not seek to link the licensing of new electronic certification bodies to key escrow. The power to access such keys with a warrant was expected to be given to Police, Customs and the intelligence services under the provisions of a new Electronic Commerce Bill.


  Monica cracked

contributed by Space Rogue
Yesterday HNN reported that had been cracked. Evidently this was a bigger story than we thought as it was picked up by other news sites.

HNN Defaced Pages Archive
ZD Net

  Prick #11

contributed by Luke
Prick e-zine has recently released issue #11. This issue has an overview of Back Orifice as a Windows remote administration tool, An Overview of the CIH Virus, A look into the warez scene, blueprints for a Zip Gun and lots lots more.

Prick E-zine

  Hijacking the Internic

contributed by scr1pt Kid33
Time Magazine explors the Network Solutions monopoly and the fragility of the domain name database and how easy it is for hackers to "wreak havoc".


contributed by Anonymous
We have recieved a report the the following site was cracked:

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 06/14/00 at 08:15

Renault Italia (
Adventure Publishing (
BT Belgium (
Banca Manzano (
Real Estate Success (
Banca Aimi (
Banca Popolare di Ravenna (
GlobeNet Software (
Monitor Company, Decision Architects Division (
InterPlanet, SA (
InterNext (
Net2Phone Italia (
Crucified UK (
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (
Ballons Baskets & Lingerie (
Colleton County School Distruct (

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