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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 030999

  New Zealand turns a blind eye to Security

contributed by k1w1
A recent Survey by Computer-world of 30 New Zealand companies claims that most businesses feel that computer systems are incredibly secure and practically never get hacked or cracked. Are they being ignorant of todays problems or do they have some sort of super security?

IDG News

  Computer Expert Commits Crime of the Future

contributed by B.K.
Buy yourself a scanner and a copy of Photoshop, counterfeit a few payroll checks and you are instantly labeled a 'computer expert' and you have committed the 'crime of the future'. PAHLESE!!! Simple counterfeiting does not a 'computer expert' make. Counterfeiting has been around for thousands of years how is this suddenly the 'crime of the future'? When will the media learn that just because a crime happened to involve a computer the criminal is not a hacker or computer expert. Hell this guy can't even be considered a cracker.


  UK wants to hire Hackers to break into suspect PCs

contributed by mortel
Yesterday HNN reported that in exchange for dropping the key escrow requirements from the Electronic Commerce Bill UK officials have given the IT industry until April 1st to find a way to stop cyber criminals. One of the methods being proposed is that the government hire hackers to break into to personal computers of suspects and retrieve email and other items after they have been decrypted.

Fox News

  Microsoft labels users as stupid

contributed by freedom
Following up on the Microsoft ID story reported on by HNN yesterday Wired Online has a decent article that gets into a little more technical detail. One of the best things is a quote at the end of the article by Steven Sinofsky, a Microsoft Vice President "I would say most people don't quite get how computers work, and they're suspicious of computers in general," he said. "That's probably why a lot of these privacy concerns are happening." So now I am a paranoid idiot? I guess Microsoft feels that the best way to win customers is to insult them.


  Justin Peterson calls out from Prison

contributed by mortel
Justin Peterson, in jail for violating probation, being unhappy with reporting done about him so far and concerned about rumors on the net that he has AIDS has called a Sm@rt Reseller reporter from prison to give a statement.

ZD Net

  Hilton to build Hotel in Space

contributed by Space Rogue
This was just to cool not to mention. The Hilton Hotel Group has announced that it is to become a sponsor of a privately funded plan to build a Hotel in Space. It will be constructed from used Space Shuttle fuel tanks. (Similar to the 'wet plan' of building the old Skylab out of used Saturn V rockets) When the Hilton Orbital Hotel is built, Arthur C Clark has said he wants to be there. Me too, Me too.


contributed by Anonymous
We have recieved reports that the following sites have been compromised:

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 06/15/00 at 04:30

RISX Security (
Creative Approaches, Inc ( (
Der Europäische Hof Hotel Europa Heidelberg (
Hannes Gsell in der Sports Car Challenge 2000 (
Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento do Coop. (
Igreja Presbiteriana de Vila Maria (
Lafayette College (
Nivea product division, Beiersdorf A.G (
Samchok National University (
V&F Comercial Ltda (
WebAtiva Brazil (
Taejon National University of Technology AI Lab (
Taejon National University of Technology Network Communication Lab (
Taejon National University of Technology Information Engineering Lab (
Taejon National University of Technology Human and Computer Interaction Lab (

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