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- A.J. Liebling


News for 031599

  Kevin Mitnick trial will not be delayed

contributed by mortel
US District Court Judge, Marianne Pfaelzer, has denied a defense request for a continuance in the upcoming trial of Kevin Mitnick. The defense asked the court to only allow those documents that have been reasonably identified to be admitted into court. There are hundreds of megabytes of files for the prosecution to choose to present, the defense has argued that it just does not have time to review all the material before trial. The motions for continuance and document exclusion where both denied.

FREE Kevin

  Air Force Cadet Found Guilty

contributed by erehwon
Christopher D. Wiest, 21, a student at the Air Force Academy has been found guilty of breaking into the computer systems of three companies. The prosecution claimed that Wiest illegally entered the systems, set up unauthorized chat programs, and erased data or planted destructive programs within the systems of the three companies, causing roughly $80,000 in damage. Wiest's defense claimed that he was duped by a third unknown person who tricked him into believing he had access to one system and who actually caused the damage to the other two. The jury found Wiest guilty of entering the systems and while he might not have intentionally caused the damage he did act recklessly. These charges bring up to a maximum of five years in prison. If he receives a sentence of a year or more the case will automatically be appealed.

Nando Times

  New Viruses find Crypto Keys

contributed by cypherpunk
In a recently released paper entitled "Playing Hide and Seek with Stored Keys", two cryptographers have claimed that with todays exceedingly long crypto keys it is getting easier and easier for viruses to locate and find these keys. The paper illustrates several ways for people to secure their keys against such attacks.

Nando Times
Playing Hide and Seek with Stored Keys

  Managed Firewalls may not be all they are cracked up to be

contributed by Code Kid
Do you use a managed firewall service? Do you out source the policy planning, installation, and configuration, software licensing, encryption, and maintenance of your firewall to a third party? Do you know what they aren't telling you about their service?

Data Communications #9

contributed by cruciphux
Issue number 9 of has been released. If you looking for in depth news effecting the hacker community from the last week or so this is the place to find it. They have also added a web board to their site.

  Parents turn down Info Gathering Option

contributed by lpt
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement offered free DNA ID kits to local school systems in an a effort to allow parents to gather potentially invaluable biometric data about their children. Only one school district took advantage of the offer and even then failed to use all of the kits provided. The information gathered was to be kept by parents and used only if necessary. Even though no information was turned over to the authorities almost no parents took advantage of the free program.

Info Beat

  HNN Notes

contributed by Space Rogue
We did a little work over the weekend and updated the security conferences list. You can find it from the cons page. We are still working on several new enhancements to the site. We aren't going to preannounce them so as to not get any ones hopes up. We are not big fans of vaporware. Keep your eyes open for these cool new features in the coming weeks.


This is the rumour section. Anything posted in this area may or may not be true. Many people think that just because something is posted here it is gospel. While HNN attempts to verify everything on the site we are not always able to do so. Most thing posted here in the rumour section are true, however we are unable to verify them all.

contributed by Anonymous
We have recieved reports that the following sites have been compromised:

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 12/09/00 at 14:15

H. Ayuntamiento de Tijuana (
Bar-Ilan University Campus Network (
Washington School Information Processing Cooperative (
Evolutionary Publishing, Inc (
Department of Urology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (
AHRC New York City (
D-Link Systems, Inc. (
Wildworld, LLC (
Christian Sharing (
Exchange Bank (
Cowboy's Orlando (
Ronam Telecomunicações Ltda. (
Mom's Club (
Amber Zine (
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika & Teknik Komputer Surabaya (

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