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- A.J. Liebling


News for 031699

  Is Microsoft vulnerable to their own holes?

contributed by hfspc002
With all the recent privacy holes in OLE and Office products where does this leave Microsoft? Are they just as vulnerable to these problems as the public? You bet! Try downloading some MS Office documents from the Microsoft web site and see what you find hidden in the documents. MacInTouch has a list of some of the stuff they found.


  Janet Reno welcomes Cybercitizen Partnership

contributed by erewhon
The U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno recently gave a speech welcoming a government and public initiative to create the Cybercitizen Partnership. Janet Reno claimed "that hacking is the same as breaking and entering," (Groan) and hopes that this new group will be able to teach children the values of right and wrong. (Isn't that the parents job?)

Nando Times
Federal Computer Week

  More Microsoft IE Holes

contributed by Dildog
Will the flood ever end? That is what some users may be asking themselves after yet another security hole has been found in Internet Explorer. This time it revolves around the 'AutoComplete' feature in IE 5.0. Mike Nichols, the program manager for Internet Explorer at Microsoft, said that no such attacks on IE 5.0 have been documented. (yet.)

ABC News

  Report on Federal Computer Security Released.

contributed by grunt
A report on federal computer security released this month shows that cyber attacks and the unauthorized use of computers by employees is still on the rise. Of the federal agencies surveyed 70% claimed to be the victims of unauthorized use of computer systems, 23% said they had been the victims of data or network sabotage, 30% did not know whether their web sites where secure or not, and only 43% reported computer attacks to authorities. (I would expect these types of numbers from the public sector but the Feds?)

Federal Computer Week

  Ten Steps to security

contributed by jArhd
How should the United States Government protect itself against cyber terrorism? Here is one persons idea of 10 steps that the U.S. Government should take to prevent cyber attack.

Federal Computer Week

  Firewall Installed at Gov Research Center

contributed by Code Kid
Systems administrators at Los Alamos National Laboratory worked over the weekend to install a new security system designed to keep crackers out but that will still allow access to the public. (Ed Note: Basically they have installed a firewall. Whoopee. I don't really understand why this is news. It was even picked up by one of the wire services. Why? Of course one has to wonder why they are only installing the firewall now? What did they have in place before?)

San Jose New Mexican

contributed by Anonymous
We have recieved reports that the folowing sites have been compromised:

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 12/09/00 at 15:15

H. Ayuntamiento de Tijuana (
Bar-Ilan University Campus Network (
Washington School Information Processing Cooperative (
Evolutionary Publishing, Inc (
Department of Urology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (
AHRC New York City (
D-Link Systems, Inc. (
Wildworld, LLC (
Christian Sharing (
Exchange Bank (
Cowboy's Orlando (
Ronam Telecomunicações Ltda. (
Mom's Club (
Amber Zine (
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika & Teknik Komputer Surabaya (

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