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- A.J. Liebling


News for 031899

  Kevin Mitnick May Plead Guilty

contributed by Lowrider
After more than _fours years_ in prison Kevin Mitnick may finnally be able to go home but without his day in court. Details at this time are a little sketchy but the prosecution in the case has confirmed that a sealed court document has been jointly filed with the Federal Court. It is expected that Judge Mariana Pfaelzer will review the document soon.

While the document is sealed and the contents are not known, legal experts indicate that it is most likely a plea bargain. It could be assumed that this plea would offer Kevin a sentence of time served in exchange for a guilty plea. If this is the case Kevin could be out of jail very shortly.

It is unknown how a plea in this case will effect co-defendant Louis DePayne although this new development may make it easier for DePayne to resolve his case as well.

ZD Net
FREE Kevin

  Yahoo cracked???

contributed by oxydox
For a few minutes in the wee hours of the morning the main page was apparently defaced. Several anonymous emails received by HNN seemed to confirm that at approximately 2:45am Yahoo was cracked. A copy of the cracked page was mailed to HNN.

HNN Cracked Pages Archive

  Employers are recording your every word

contributed by kasper
Is your boss recording your every word? Is your own PC betraying you? Evidently many new PCs have hidden built-in microphones that employers are using to digitally record and store their employee conversations.

ZD Net

Late Update
It would appear that the previous story is an extremly early April Fools joke and HNN fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Ha Ha. Whatever happened to preforming April Fools jokes on April Fools day?

ZD Net Three pages into the article the truth is told.

While the article itself may be bogus the scenario depicted may not be. Most computer systems do contain built-in microphones and the software does exist to activate them remotely and covertly. Do employers actually do this? Who knows?

  Rackspace offers virtual machines

contributed by sciri
Seems that Rackspace, LTD. has decided to tap into a specific market and sell virtual machines to hackers (old-school MIT style, not new-school media whored). Looks like a good idea...for a hundred or two per month and a nominal setup charge, you get full reign of a P266 or P333, no questions asked.


  Discover/Novus Credit Card Network Fails

contributed by Code Kid
The credit card authorization network for Bravo, Discover and other cards was down for three hours yesterday. Novus officials have not commented on the reasons for the outage although some have said it may be due to a satellite outage.


  Is Fiber all that secure?

contributed by Code Kid
Are you using fiber optic cabling to transmit your data? While fiber is immune to such things as RF leakage just how secure is it? An Australian company takes a look.

FairFax IT

contributed by Anonymous
We have recieved reports that the following sites have been compromised:

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 12/09/00 at 16:00

H. Ayuntamiento de Tijuana (
Bar-Ilan University Campus Network (
Washington School Information Processing Cooperative (
Evolutionary Publishing, Inc (
Department of Urology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (
AHRC New York City (
D-Link Systems, Inc. (
Wildworld, LLC (
Christian Sharing (
Exchange Bank (
Cowboy's Orlando (
Ronam Telecomunicações Ltda. (
Mom's Club (
Amber Zine (
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika & Teknik Komputer Surabaya (

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