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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 040399

  New Buffer Overflow Submision

contributed by B. Huston
Stealth and distributed attacks, is the hype and anxiety warranted? Are there hundreds of people attacking individual sites at once or is it the lone gunman? Why all the hype? A a new article in the Buffer Overflow section exmines these questions.

Buffer Overflow

  More Melissa shorts

contributed by Space Rogue
Melissa makes it to Australia

Australia News Network

Three webs sites taken down. Some siezed by the FBI.,, and are all down.

ZD Net

An excellent and well written article by Jim Louderback on ZD Net discusses why VicodenES is probably not the author of Melissa.

ZD Net

Late Update!
A New Jersey man suspected of creating Melissa has been arrested and released on $100,000 bail. While the article is long the details are few however it appears that this man has absolutely nothing to do with VicodenES.

ZD Net


contributed by Conde Vampiro
A new Linux security tool called LogIt has been released. LogIt is a logging tool that can analyze all incoming ip datagrams, or all datagrams through a ethernet device, or the device can be put into promiscuos mode and log a whole network. LogIt can send log files via via syslog or to a file and will work under X-windows. LogIt claims to be able to detect Queso, NMAP, TrivialFTP, ICMP Attacks and much more.

J.J.F. / Hackers Team

  Chaos Communication Camp

contributed by Frank
The Chaos Computer Club in Germany has announced the final plans for its summer camp to take place on August 6th, 7th, and 8th.

Chaos Communication Camp

  AOL Password Scam

contributed by The Phantom
The Shadow Knights Security Corp an HNN Affiliate has a report about a possible scam involving spam in an effort to collect AOL users passwords. A spam email offering a 'password storage service' for AOL users which claims to speed up connection times and web surfing speeds by as much as 250% is being sent to AOL users.

Shadow Knights

  Government Computer Protection Vital

contributed by erehwon
With sections covering various threat scenarios you would think there would be a little more meat to this article. Unfortunatly there is nothing here but FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt)

Government Executive Magazine

  HNN Updates and Notes

contributed by Space Rogue
We are glad that everyone enjoyed our April Fools jokes yesterday. Evidently a lot of people do believe that Kevin Mitnick (or anyone else for that matter) can actually whistle a 2400 baud carier. Just to make sure everyone is on the same sheet of music HNN was NOT cracked, Kevin did NOT escape, MS did NOT buy Network Solutions, NAI has NOT bought L0phtCrack for 1.2 Billion, and CERT is NOT going out of business.
Our apologies go to AntiOnline, 2600, the FREE KEVIN site, and anyone whos mailboxes overflowed from people who actually believed some of that. In case you missed it...

HNN Archive for April 1, 1999
HNN Defaced Pages Archive

We have updated the HNN store with several new products. Everything from a paper shredder to a Y2K countdown clock. Take a look!

HNN Store

contributed by Anonymous
Yes, all of these sites where reported as cracked. There is no April Fools here.

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 12/09/00 at 21:15

H. Ayuntamiento de Tijuana (
Bar-Ilan University Campus Network (
Washington School Information Processing Cooperative (
Evolutionary Publishing, Inc (
Department of Urology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (
AHRC New York City (
D-Link Systems, Inc. (
Wildworld, LLC (
Christian Sharing (
Exchange Bank (
Cowboy's Orlando (
Ronam Telecomunicações Ltda. (
Mom's Club (
Amber Zine (
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika & Teknik Komputer Surabaya (

More cracks...

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