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- A.J. Liebling


News for 040599

  Feds Arrest Suspect for Listening to Radio Signals

contributed by Silicosis
After intentionally intercepting communications sent and received by the mobile data terminals installed in police cruisers, Keith Knipschild was arrested by the Secret Service in cooperation with Nassau County Police. Federal investigators said Knipschild used an illegal electronic device to intercept police communications and then posted that information to his web site. Bill Cheeks and his wife Mary of San Diego where also arrested for selling allegedly illegal devices designed to intercept MDT transmissions. Web site of Keith Knipschild
Strong Signals
NewsDay- Registration Required (Does anyone have a better link?)

  Melissa, VX Community Speaks, Virus Jumps Air Gap

contributed by A lot of people
Melissa is being fought by numerous Federal Agencies and spreads to the DOD classified intranet (SIPRNET). (Ed Note: I would like to know how Melissa jumped the supposed air gap.)
Federal Computer Week

Melissa variants keep multiplying. Now with as many as six or more known variants papa.b hits the streets.
PC World

AOL assisted the FBI in its hunt for Melissa's creator. It is unclear exactly how or what information AOL was able to gather or how that information impacted the search but the FBI said the AOLs cooperation was vital to apprehending the suspect.

Melissa suspect to plead innocent.

The Virus Exchange (VX) community has released a statement concerning the recent media frenzy, witch hunt and subsequent arrest of the alleged creator of the Melissa virus.
VX Community Speaks Out about Melissa

  NATO takes action in Online War

contributed by Code Kid
NATO is being bombarded by ping attacks, email floods, and virus invasions on a daily basis. They have started implementing increased defensive measures to combat the threat.

PC World

  COPA (CDA II) is appealed

contributed by W4Nn4B3
The Justice Department is appealing the previous injunctions that barred enforcement of the Child Online Protection Act (COPA aka CDA II). COPA would force web site operators to prove the age of internet visitors before allowing them to view material deemed "harmful to minors". The case now moves before a three judge panel on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.

ZD Net

  FileGuard Advisory

contributed by epic
ProZaq, a member of mSec, has found holes in one of the strongest security programs for the Macintosh, FileGuard. You can gain full success privileges and unlock password protected hard drives. It is good to see more Macintosh advisories.

mSec Advisory (

  Company sued over weak voice mail security

contributed by Space Rogue
After complaining to his employer about the weak security in the companies voice mail system a suburban Chicago man has filed suit. Gary Thompson claims that someone broke into his companies voice-mail system and spread disparaging comments about him to his fellow employees via voice mail.

Silicon Valley News

  HWA Hax0r News #12

contributed by Cruciphux
With its weekly wrap up of recent events HWA Hax0r news has reached its twelfth issue.

  Forbidden Knowledge #4

contributed by Invisiac
The small time South African crew, Posthuman Systems cc, have done it again with the release of Forbidden Knowledge issue 4. FK Is a composite Hacking, Phreaking and Anarchy with a vastly growing readership all over the world. Their latest offering includes an article on Wildcat BBS hacking and other topics.

Forbidden Knowledge

contributed by deuce
Futurma Creator a Hacker?
It has been reported to HNN that in the beginning of the new Fox show, Futurama, in the bottom of the screen you can see a sign that says "Defcon" and under Defcon it says "Cult of the Dead Cow." They only show the sign for a split second. Who has a high quality VCR with a copy of the show that can verify this and possibly digitize us a picture?

Jason Mewhiney
We also recieved several reports that,, and where cracked by Yorkshire Posse in protest of the arrest and detention of Jason Mewhiney. Jason Mewhiney has been accused of defacing a NASA web page and is charged with 99 criminal charges. We have only been able to verify the and cracks. Since this is an important message we have archived in the Defaced Pages Archive.

Defaced Pages Archive

This past weekend was full of international cracks. Remember not all of these are verified which is why they are down here in the Rumours section.

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 10/20/00 at 01:15

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