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News for 040600

  DoubleClick Wins Privacy Award

contributed by Evil Wench
The Computers, Freedom, and Privacy conference being held this week in Toronto Canada has awarded DoubleClick the prestigious corporate invader award. Other winners included Commerce Secretary William Daley who won the award for worst government official and credit reporting firm Transunion received the lifetime menace award.

Computers, Freedom, and Privacy conference

  ACLU Appeals CPHack Ruling

contributed by Evil Wench
Last weeks ruling concerning CPHack by U.S. District Judge Edward Harrington was extremely vague and is now being appealed by the ACLU. CPHack revealed the list of web sites blocked by Cyber Patrol as well allowed people to circumvent its blocking capabilities. The courts decisions prevented people from linking to the software, the ACLU is charging that the US does not have the power to regulate the global internet.

Copy of Judge's Order Wired

  MPAA Attempts to Get Ruling Against Linking

contributed by Macki
The Motion Picture Association of America has now filed an injunction telling 2600 magazine what they can and can not link to via their web site. Primarily they are no longer allowed to link to sites that host copies of the DeCSS.

  Enigma Suspect Busted

contributed by whitevampire
Police have arrested and released on bail an unidentified English man for the theft of the Abwehr Enigma machine. The machine was recently stolen from the museum at Bletchley Park Trust. It has been valued at $150,000 but to many it is priceless. Police are still searching for the machine itself.

More information on the Machine
Reuters - via Yahoo

  FBI and Privacy Advocates Square Off in Debate

contributed by darkscent
Privacy advocates and Paul George, supervisory special agent for the Michigan bureau of the FBI faced off during the 10th Annual Computer, Freedom & Privacy Conference in Toronto, Canada. George had quite a few memorable things to say "There are worse things than having your privacy violated ... like murder.", "If there is going to be a Big Brother in the United States, it is going to be us -- the FBI", and "In order to prevent crime, information has to be collected... if justified."

ZD Net

  DDoS Attacks Contributed to Stock Market Losses

contributed by William Knowles
In an effort to get even more laws passed to protect our nations '6critical'9 infrastructure, Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz. said that the recent DDoS `` attacks contributed to a 258-point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average and halted a string of three days of consecutive record- high closes of the technology-laden Nasdaq Composite Index.'' Kyl is currently co-sponsoring S. 2092 which will allow national tap and trace orders for law enforcement. (Contributed? Notice he didn'9t mention how much they contributed. Talk about a scare tactic.)

San Francisco Chronicle

  History of the L0pht, Part 1

contributed by nonentity
Oxblood Ruffin, from the Cult of the Dead Cow, has released the first of a two part series that covers the formation and early history of L0pht Heavy Industries. Many of these details have not been published before.

National Post

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Last Updated: 10/15/00 at 21:45

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