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- A.J. Liebling


News for 041099

  The Erosion of Personal Freedoms Continues

contributed by Silicosis
FCC has made some Amendments to Parts 2 and 15 of the "Commissions Rules to Further Ensure That Scanning Receivers Do Not Receive Cellular Radio Signals", "Specifically, we adopt rules that require scanning receivers to include adequate filtering so that they do not pick up Cellular Service transmissions even when tuned to frequencies outside those allocated to the Cellular Service." This could potentially ban the entire radio spectrum depending on interpretation.

Starting June 1st, 1999 we will see this label on every new scanner:


It will soon be illegal to import and manufacture scanners and frequency converter kits that are cable of listening to the cell transmissions (this includes the allotted frequencies AND cell images).

Manufacturers are required to design their scanners so that if they are modified to receive cell transmissions they will be rendered inoperable.

Regardless of the date of manufacture, it will soon be against the law to modify a scanner to listen to cell transmissions. Any modification of a scanner that changes it's operating characteristics voids the equipment certification.

Interesting how this has become a problem of the very poor scanner and radio industry as opposed to forcing the very very rich cellular telephone industry to create more secure phones. These new laws will not prevent people (or the government) from intercepting your personal cellular communications as more secure phones might. These laws will only make criminals out of thousands of otherwise law abiding citizens.

American Radio Relay League

With more on this topic explaining why this is such a bad thing Brian Oblivion has written a new article for the Buffer Overflow section. The article describes what is wrong with this law and how the Government and the Cellular Telephone Industry Association do not care about personal freedoms.

Buffer Overflow

  Yet Another Email Virus, boa.exe

contributed by Anonymous
It looks like every new virus is going to generate news for the next few weeks. The lastest one boa.exe is just another in the latests series of email attachment viruses.

ZD Net

  Detroit Shuts Down Web Page

contributed by Gideon
While attempting to catch people who participated in the riot last month at Michigan State University after they lost the NCAA basketball championship, the local police posted pictures of people on the city's web site in hopes of getting tips from the public. Unfortunately they had to shut the page down after an e-mail went out to people telling them how to exploit a bug in the CGI script so that they could view the submissions. Nice way to tell if your friends ratted you out, huh? Interesting how the city's information-systems manager claims someone broke into the server instead of blaming whoever set up the cgi system.

Detroit Free Press
Detroit News

  Yahoo Leaks Personal Info

contributed by Code Kid
Yahoo exposed the personal information of customers at a demo of the Yahoo store. The exposed personal information included partial credit card numbers, products ordered, amount spent and a link to a Yahoo map of the users home address. The information was available online for several weeks.

C | Net

  INSI to use Cracking Techniques

contributed by L4m3r
International Network Security Inc., a Japanese based security consulting company, has announced that it will employ the techniques of US 'crackers' when it starts up its network penetration service. (I guess they don't have crackers in Japan.)

Asia BizTech

  O'Reilly & Associates Inc., Cracked!

contributed by sean1
CNN finnally got around to reporting a story that happened last Wednesday. The Yorksire Posse cracked several high profile sites including in protest of the arrest and detention of Jason Mewhiney who has been accused of defacing a NASA page.

Defaced Pages Archive

  HNN in the News

contributed by Matt
I had lost these links for a while and recently found them again. The Hacker News Network is considerably used as a source in both of these article located at Online Journalism Review.

First a closer look at the sources, suppositions and media outlets surrounding the recent news story of the supposed attack on a British Military satellite.
Transatlantic Brawl!

Second a look at just how Se7en was able to pull the wool over journalists eyes and how a myth has been created that is still being perpetuated.
Se7en Deadly Sins

contributed by Anonymous
We only recieved reports of one site being cracked today.

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 10/16/00 at 09:00 ( ( ( (
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Maranhã (
Aetherweb Ltd (
Epson Korea (
Brentwood Schools (
Paul Nelson (
WMC Stations (
Bloqueucr (
DTV Gorsel Haber ve Yayinicilik As (
Seek (AR) (

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