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News for 041400

  Microsoft Admits to Backdoor in Server Software

contributed by McIntyre
Microsoft has admitted that a secret password exists in its Internet Server software. The backdoor, brought to light by Rain Forest Puppy, could allow an intruder complete remote access to the system. Microsoft recommends that the file dvwssr.dll be deleted from Internet Server installations with Front Page extensions installed. The password has been present in the code for at least three years and Microsoft has said that it is conducting an internal investigation.

Wall Street Journal - via ZD Net

  Backdoor Found in E-Commerce Software

contributed by brian
Currently being used at over 200 e-commerce sites, Dansie Shopping Cart, contains code that allows the author to remotely enter the system and run code on the server. The back door was discovered by Blarg Online Services which allows someone to remotely enter the server and issue commands to run CGI scripts. There has been no response from Dansie in regard to the allegations.

Internet News

  MostHateD Pleads Guilty

contributed by Cacopalyse
MosthateD (Patrick W. Gregory) a member of the online group Global Hell (gH) has pleaded guilty to a single count of conspiracy to commit telecommunications wire fraud in Texas US District Court. He could receive up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. MostHateD was among those snared during the wave of FBI raids immediately following the defacement of the White House web page. Mindphaser (Chad Davis), who was snagged during the same set of raids, pleaded guilty to similar charges earlier this year in Green Bay Wisconsin.


  NSA And CIA Deny Echelon is Used Domestically

contributed by root66
CIA Director George Tenet and NSA director Lt. Gen. Michael V. Hayden staunchly denied allegations that either agency conducts electronic surveillance on US citizens. The denials were in front of the US House intelligence committee. After the hearing, Chairman Porter Goss, R-Fla. said he was satisfied that "our safeguards are in place and are working."

Associated Press - via San Jose Mercury News

  Keyboard Monitoring Becoming More Popular with Business

contributed by root66
While keystroke monitoring software has been around for decades it has recently become extremely popular in the corporate setting. With the courts consistently siding with the employers on electronic monitoring of employees and the low cost and availability of keystroke recording software (This article says $99 but there are a lot of free ones.) businesses are starting to snoop on their employees more and more.

San Jose Mercury News

  Japanese Cult Wrote Software for Navy

contributed by root66
HNN has reported on this before but another story has popped up regarding the Japanese cult Aum Shinri Kyo (Supreme Truth), which was involved with releasing nerve gas in a Japanese subway killing 12 people, and their involvement with developing software for the Maritime Self Defense Force, or navy, including the whereabouts of submarines. (Japan has submarines?)

Reuters - via The San Jose Mercury News

  MPAA Suspects Denial of Service Attack

contributed by Cruciphux
Yesterday HNN reported a rumor that the MPAA was under a denial of service attack. Today MSNBC has received confirmation that administrators of the site suspect that their current problems are related to some sort of DoS attack. The attack is believed to be in retaliation for the MPAA action regarding the DeCSS software.


  Even More E-zines

contributed by Slider_100
Oblivion Mag is the latest UK underground e-zine for hackers, phreakers and vXers! issue #2 has just been released with the first published interview with Curador. Also L33tdawg from Hack In The Box has announced the availability of Issue #4.

Oblivion Mag
Hack In the Box

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