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- A.J. Liebling


News for 042900

  Backdoor Found in Shopping Cart Software

contributed by root66
Cerberus Information Security has found a secret password that allows someone connecting to a web site running "Cart32" shopping cart software to gain access to the server. The backdoor could reveal such data as credit card numbers, order information, and shipping addresses. McMurtrey-Whitaker which sells cart32 said that they will have a patch available next week. @Stake L0pht labs has issued its own fix for users who can not wait that long.

@Stake L0pht Labs
ZD Net

  FBI Investigating AboveNet DoS

contributed by root66
The FBI is investigating a denial of service attack that hit San Jose-based AboveNet Communications Inc. on Tuesday. According to AboveNet the attack was directed at a network device called a customer aggregation switch. The problem lies within AboveNet's methodologies as opposed to a vulnerability within the switch said a representative of AboveNet.


  Intel Removes ID Feature From New Chips

contributed by Evil Wench
Intel has decided to remove the controversial ID-tracking technology from its next generation PC processor. The ID was included in Pentium III chips as a way to help facilitate e-commerce solutions. Intel says the increase in the technology of digital signatures lead them to this decision. (Yeah, the bad press and the boycott had nothing to do with it.)

ZD Net

  Another HotMail Hole Patched

contributed by William Knowles
Microsoft has patched yet another HotMail hole. This one used JavaScript to launch fraudulent password entry screens to trick people into entering their passwords to their accounts.


  Iron Feather Collection at Risk

contributed by ifj
On April 23rd, Iron Feather and his wife Hanna Banana were fined at a I-80 weigh station for transporting over 7,000 pounds of underground zines. The weight of the printed material, the largest collection of underground magazines in the world, caused their truck to be severely overweight. Iron Feather & Hanna were detained until a $300 penalty could be paid and the 7,000 pounds could be off loaded. Since their collection is considered one of the nation's top archive of underground zines they hope to retrieve the impounded storage from Nebraska this summer. Iron Feather said, "Even thou we lost our savings on fines and we had to store the huge collection of underground publications at a Nebraska locker we will not let them or anyone impair our mission, to preserve & report on the cybertekpunk cultures."

Iron Feather Journal

  Rubicon This Weekend, H2K Announcement

contributed by RijiLV and macki
The con in MotorCity, Rubicon will be taking place this weekend. They will be having speakers such as Richard Thieme, Tim Crothers, TDYC!, Peter Stephenson and others.


Hope2000 has announced that their keynote speaker will be Jello Biafra, former lead singer of the Dead Kennedys and currently with Lard. Over the years, Jello has become an outspoken critic of censorship and the mass stupidity that embraces our culture. It's a world those in the hacker community are quite familiar with. The keynote is scheduled for Saturday, July 15 at noon. H2K will run from July 14-16, 2000.

Hope 2000

HNN Cons Page

  Laptop Issues Justice in Brazil

contributed by Zorro
A Visual Basic software program known as 'Electronic Judge' is being used on the streets of Brazil to assist in dispensing justice. The software is installed on a laptop carried by a real judge who can then use the software to help asses the situation and even issue sentences on the spot. The software is currently being tested by three judges in Espirito Santo in Brazil.


  CCPA and ECPA not Applicable

contributed by project3
Kevin Giger of Highland, Illinois, was charged in Madison County Circuit Court this week with computer tampering. Giger is accused of altering the Web site of the Holiday Inn Express in Highland. Giger's bail has been set at $15,000. The interesting part of this case is the courts orders to the cable company which provided Internet access for Mr. Giger. It is hard to interpret the legalese but it would seem that the court in this case felt that the Electronic Communications Privacy Act," 18 U.S.C. 2703 and the "Cable Communications Policy Act," 47 U.S.C. 551 for some reason did not apply.

Third Judicial Circuit Madison County, Illinois

  McAfee Redefines Trojan

contributed by medic
A Trojan or Trojan Horse has traditionaly been a piece of software that executes malicious code while looking benign. Now a denial of service tool has been labeled a 'Trojan virus' by McAfee. While the software in question can potentially be malicious that is its intended purpose, it is not trying to hide anything. This willful morphing of definitions by vendors makes it a little difficult for the rest of us.


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Last Updated: 12/10/00 at 03:30

H. Ayuntamiento de Tijuana (
Bar-Ilan University Campus Network (
Washington School Information Processing Cooperative (
Evolutionary Publishing, Inc (
Department of Urology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (
AHRC New York City (
D-Link Systems, Inc. (
Wildworld, LLC (
Christian Sharing (
Exchange Bank (
Cowboy's Orlando (
Ronam Telecomunicações Ltda. (
Mom's Club (
Amber Zine (
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika & Teknik Komputer Surabaya (

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