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News for 042999

  Intel goes after Zero Knowledge

contributed by Carole
Zero Knowledge Systems has found a way to make the PIII serial number, that had been hidden, visible without the knowledge of the computer owner. Intel, using its large corporate muscle has persuaded Symantec to included the Zero Knowledge software as part of Norton AntiVirus and have it flagged as malicious code. Now when a Norton user visits the Zero Knowledge Web site the AV detections software goes off. Intel and Zero Knowledge are reportedly in discussions over this matter.

ZD Net
Zero Knowledge Systems

  CIH Author Identified?

contributed by mdef
The Tatung Institute of Technology claims that it has found the author of the CIH or Chernobyl virus. They claim that they had punished Chen Ing-hau last April when the virus he wrote as a student began to cause damage in an inter-college data system, according to Lee Chee-chen, the institute's dean of student affairs. Chen Ing-hau has since graduated and is currently serving his compulsory two year stint in the Taiwanese military.

Nando Times

  Ministry Launches Cyber Attack?

contributed by sunny
The Ministry of Home Affairs in Singapore is being accused of breaking into the personal computer of a National University of Singapore law student. Ms Anne Lee, 21, is claiming that her SingNet account was broken into on 10 occasions in four days about two weeks ago. According to a protection program called Jammer, which was installed on the machine the IP address of the attack belonged to the Ministry of Home Affairs. The National Computer Board's assistant director of IT security, Mr Goh Seow Hiong, said "It is very difficult to change the IP address unless the person has very sophisticated skills." (Bwahahahahahaha)

The Straits Times

  NASA Finds Scapegoat?

contributed by Dave Merritt
After notifying NASA of several serious security holes, of which anyone with a login account could access, NASA chose to cover it up and make a scapegoat out of the individual. This news article has twisted the story to make it seem that Dave Merritt had malicious intentions while he claims he was trying to help by pointing out possible vulnerabilities. Mr. Merritt is seeking legal representation. If anyone can help please contact us here. (Why is a case against NASA being prosecuted by a County DA, doesn't the fact that it is NASA make it a federal crime?)

Houston Chronicle

  India Stomping Out Piracy

contributed by Dumbo
Officials in India want to stomp out piracy. They felt that the best way to do this was put their foot down and the bigger the foot the better. So they got an elephant to stomp on confiscated pirated CDs in New Delhi's Nehru Place.


  MS Sues FLA Companies

contributed by Code Kid
Microsoft is suing 15 Florida companies alleging that they sold or installed illegal copies of the companies software. Microsoft isn't able to estimate how much software piracy costs the company but it is able to estimate what it costs the state of Florida. Microsoft claims that Florida lost 7,186 jobs in 1997 and $490 million in lost wages, tax revenue and retail sales. Yet, it has no idea what piracy costs Microsoft.

Nando Times
ZD Net

contributed by Anonymous
Admins have still not patched their Cold Fusuion sites. Many of these reported cracks are a result of that hole.

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Last Updated: 01/11/01 at 18:53

Marconi, Inc. (
Adzone (
DCS (Za) (
Salmon and Steelhead Habitat Inventory and Assessment Project (SSHIAP) (
Red Sky Interactive (
Dramatic Technology Ltd (
Comat India (
Premiere Media Group (
Université de Montréal - Accueil (
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry - Croatia (
Jornal Do Brasil S/A (
Francisco Jose Sanchez Bernal (
Dolphin Integration (
Pandora Potenza Srl - Innovazione Via Internet (
UTN Edu (AR) (

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