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News for 050900

  ILOVEYOU Investigation Continues

contributed by Lots of people
Experts Say Police Got Wrong Suspects
Two computer virus experts have come forward and said that they do not believe that the couple in Manila currently under investigation for their role with the ILOVEYOU virus/worm are in fact the author of the code. James Atkinson from the Granite Island Group feels that the true author is Anjabi, a 15 to 17 year old girl who lives near the current suspects.


Suspect Ordered Released
The 27-year-old bank employee that has been arrested in connection with The ILOVEYOU virus/worm has been released. Reonel Ramones had been arrested and charged the violating the Access Devices Regulation Act. Police, however, have not been able to compile enough evidence to hold the man forcing them to let him go pending the collection of more evidence. He will still be forced to appear in court on May 19 to answer the preliminary charges.

Reuters - via Yahoo

Manila Police Now Looking for 10 Suspects
Philippine police said that they are now looking for up to ten people who may have had access to computers at the AMA Computer College. The couple currently under investigation has attended the college in the past.

Reuters - via Yahoo

  Brace Yourselves For the SuperVirus

contributed by William Knowles
While this article is sensationalistic, full of hype and FUD, it does make and important point. ILOVEYOU was not as bad as it could have been. Just think if it was targeted against other types of files, .exe for instance. Or if it had been an auto executable with no user intervention required?

London Observer

  NIPC Accused of Dragging Feet

contributed by Brian
The National Infrastructure Protection Center was critized for overreacting to the recent 911 virus that had minimal impact and now is being critized again for not reacting strong enough to ILOVEYOU. Sen. Robert Bennett, R-Utah wants to investigate whether NIPC's response was quick enough.

NIPC - Latest Advisory

  Classified Systems Hit

contributed by Evil Wench
ILOVEYOU somehow managed to jump the air gap and infected at least four Department of Defense classified systems. DoD said that the infection was quickly quarantined and that The Joint Task Force on Computer Network Defense will be investigating how the classified systems became infected.

Government Executive Magazine

  Mitnick in Online Chat

contributed by apocalyse
Despite being banned from touching a computer or anything connected to the Internet for three years, Kevin Mitnick was able to participate in an online chat with ABC News. The topic of discussion was of course the ILOVEYOU virus/worm.

ABC News

  Phreakers In the White House

contributed by major
The FBI is conducting an investigation into whether the White House phone system has been breached. The breach may have involved the "real time" interception of telephone conversations. The FBI has been investigating (((Amdocs))), a Chesterfield Mo., telecommunications billing company who assisted Bell Atlantic with installing telephone lines at the White House in 1997. The FBI has tried to get an arrest warrant for a suspect however a senior law enforcement official told Fox News that "to suggest that the phones at the White House have been penetrated is not supported by the facts."

Fox News

  MS vs Netscape in Blame for Security Hole

contributed by acopolyse
Microsoft and Netscape Communications are pointing fingers at each other over a browser-related security problem that neither company has any intention of fixing. (Do I have to say more?)


  Hacker vs. Cracker The Debate Continues

contributed by Weld Pond
Blair Shewchuk, a journalist with the Canadian Broadcasting Company, has published a really good treatise on why media outlets continue to use the word 'hacker' instead of 'cracker' or some other alternative. While he may be correct in that you can not force people to use different words or change their meanings in the dictionary you can send a hell of a lot of emails. (Personally we prefer the word attacker or criminal, much less confusion with that.)

Canadian Broadcasting Company

contributed by Space Rogue
Herbie The Love Bug
With everyone calling this thing the 'Love Bug' (it ain't a bug) you would think that Disney would start filing lawsuits claiming copyright infringement or at least issue a statement or something.

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Last Updated: 10/01/00 at 00:30

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