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- A.J. Liebling


News for 051199 Cracked - This Time for Real

contributed by The.Critic
One of the web servers (www1) for the Whitehouse was cracked. According to information learned by HNN this crack took place at aprox 8:50am EST on May 10th. (Other news outlets are claiming it happened at midnight EST on May 9th) Unlike reports from about one month a ago that claimed was cracked this time there is enough viable evidence to support the allegation. CNN is reporting that whitehouse spokes people are blaming this on equipment failure. HNN has been able to secure a copy of the cracked page.

HNN Cracked Pages Archive

  Three Gov Servers Cracked in Protest of Embassy Bombing

contributed by Space Rogue
The Department of Energy, The Department of the Interior, and the National Park Service all had their web sites defaced in protest of the NATO bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia. The defaced pages included pictures of the people killed in the bombing.

ABC News
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Federal Computer Week

  Full Disclosure - The Only Way to Be Sure

contributed by remage
A rather interesting rant has been posted by L0pht Heavy Industries, Inc. The rant covers the issue of Full Disclosure which has been argued about and argued about. In the wake of the recent showcode-Webtrends-L0pht-Microsoft advisory the L0pht makes a very convincing argument that Full Disclosure is the only way to protect those who are vulnerable.

L0pht Heavy Industries, Inc.

  NIPC releases CyberNotes

contributed by Simple Nomad
The National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC), which is essentially being run by the FBI, has released online copies of "CyberNotes", the newsletter whose mission is to "support security and information system professionals with timely information on cyber vulnerabilities, hacker exploit scripts, hacker trends, virus information, and other critical infrastructure-related best practices". It reads like a government version of numerous hacker web sites. Our tax dollars at work.

NIPC Cyber Notes

Oh, and if you have never visited the NIPC web site it is good for a laugh or two.

National Infrastructure Protection Center

  Cure for CIH Found

contributed by Scores
A student in Bangladesh claims to have found a cure for the CIH or Chernobyl virus that wipes out thousands of systems world wide last month. Monirul Islam Sharif, an undergraduate computer science student claims that a 70K-byte C language program he has named MRECOVER will recover the FAT table and the first partition of a FAT16 table.

Computer World

  Virus Infects Cell Phones

contributed by nVirB
A rumor apparently started by a local radio station sent panic into the users of cellular telephones in Lebanon. A local radio station reported that the cellular networks in the country were being attacked by a computer virus. It is believed that 200,000 people turned off their phones as a result.


  G0at Security Calls it Quits

contributed by debris
The group that claimed to have cracked Yahoo, G0at Security, is calling it quits. They have released a press release explaining their decision and what happens next.

G0at Security Press Release[goat.html - MISSING]

  Anonymous Web Surfing

Contributed by Netmask is now offering anonymous web surfing. By setting your browser to use as the http proxy server, and port 1050. This server will forward the type of client you use, but not the IP address. More info available at

contributed by Anonymous
Mitnick Hearing Cancled
The hearing in the Mitnick case mentioned on HNN yesterday has been cancelled. No this is not a rumour, I just didn't have any place else to put this.

The following site have been reported to HNN as cracked.

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 10/01/00 at 09:45

Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Saltill (
Fundacao Santo Andre ( (
Queer Personals ( (
Fusion Resources, Inc. (
Interknowledge Corp. (
Net21 (
Wunschkinder (
High Speed (
St. Helen's College (
Performance Assist Accessories Ltd (
KSK Color Lab, Inc (
li wai tong kerry (
Ringo Li (

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