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- A.J. Liebling


News for 051899

  MIT Pulls R2-D2 Hack

contributed by Code Kid
Arguably the place where the word Hacker was coined, MIT students have turned the Great Dome into a giant R2-D2. For those of you who have been dead for the last seven years R2-D2 is a android from the Star Wars movie series. The hack consisted of covering the dome in red, white, blue, and black mesh-fabric panels. The hackers left a dozen doughnuts and instructions on how to remove the display. The Great Dome has been a popular place for Hacks in the past. Some of the better known ones have transformed the Dome into a Breast, a Pumpkin, or have placed a Police Crusier replica on the top.

MIT Hack Gallery - Pictures Here

  Scanner Profiteer

contributed by erewhon
Eric Ford, 27, of Studio City, CA, has pleaded guilty of recording and then selling the contents of a cellular phone call he listened to with a modified police scanner. The conversation was "marital squabble" that took place between Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. After parts of the conversation appeared in tabloids the couple contacted the FBI to start an investigation. The perpetrator was sentenced by a federal judge to six months in jail, 150 hours of community service and fined $3,000.

APB Online

  Fujitsu Victim of Password Stealing Virus

contributed by 0yK0t
InfoWeb, Fujitsu Ltd.'s Internet service, has become the victim of an email virus designed to steal users passwords. The email claims that users are at risk from a new virus and should run the enclosed attachment as a precaution. The attachment then steals users passwords and emails them to a separate address. G-Search Ltd., a Fujitsu affiliate, says that at least 68 people received the virus/attachment. And once again this virus only effects Windows users.


  Internet Set Free in Canada

contributed by blsonne
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) agreed on Monday that it will not regulate new media services on the Internet. After concluding that new media services are vibrant, highly competitive and successful without regulation, the CRTC has decided not to impose new rules on the internet so as to not hinder Canada in the global marketplace.


  DISA Limits Network Activity

contributed by erewhon
On April 18, the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) canceled all limited peacetime privileges including internet and email usage in an effort to bolster the amount of communications bandwidth. This will prevent all unofficial Internet traffic on the European Command's Common User Data Network (CUDN). The Army's 5th Signal Command has been tasked with monitoring the network for violations of this policy. One civilian employee has reportedly already been fired for surfing for up to 13 hours on two separate occasions. This order is also designed to limit "push" technologies and large email attachments.

Federal Computer Week

  Faith #5

contributed by r00t
Faith Issue 5 was released yesterday. Packed with new information, related to hacking/phreaking and also a number of funny IRC logs, from the channel #darkcyde on EFnet. A good read.

Faith #5

contributed by Anonymous
The following sites have been reported to HNN as being cracked.

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 10/01/00 at 20:45

Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Saltill (
Fundacao Santo Andre ( (
Queer Personals ( (
Fusion Resources, Inc. (
Interknowledge Corp. (
Net21 (
Wunschkinder (
High Speed (
St. Helen's College (
Performance Assist Accessories Ltd (
KSK Color Lab, Inc (
li wai tong kerry (
Ringo Li (

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