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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 052900

Memorial Day

Our POW/MIA Flag
Without you, Sirs, who would raise
Our Old Glory at Iwo Jima
The American flag, red like the victorious sun
White like the clouds that lift your wings
Blue as the deep, infinite skies.
Without you, Sirs, who would protect our country,
Safekeeping America's air, lands, and seas;
It'9s our land of the free and home of the brave.
Let man forget not
You are the heart of this country
Past, Present, and Future
You are the heartbeats
That keep the soul of our Old Glory alive.
You are the POW/MIA flag...

Linh Duy Vo
Gratitude —

  Physical Security Is Real Weak

contributed by Evil Wench
A report issued by the General Accounting Office details how armed investigators breached security at several government installations using phony IDs and credentials purchased off the Internet. At the Pentagon, CIA, Justice Department, FBI, State Department and 14 other agencies investigators where able to gain access to the buildings without being searched and often times being waived past security checkpoints.

Knight Ridder - via The Age

  Reno Does About Face

contributed by tjadams69
"I think any time you expose vulnerabilities it's a good thing," said Attorney General Janet Reno. Her comment was directed to investigators who posed as false security agents to gain access to supposedly secure government buildings. How does 'exposing vulnerabilities' go from good in the real world to bad in the cyber world?


  Extortionist Busted

contributed by no0ne
A single charge of using the internet to send extortion threats has been filed against Rob Holcomb. Via his e-mails to Audible Inc., a New Jersey based company which sells on line books, the 36 year old graduate student of Colorado State University claimed to have found a way to download the books for free and would not reveal the system's weakness except in exchange for money, a car and unlimited free download of the company's content. Audible contacted the police who traced the alleged perpetrator after he gave the company a mailing address and phone number at the school. Holcomb could face up to two years in prison and a $100,000 fine.

Associated Press - via Las Vegas Sun
Internet News

  Australian Man Leaks Sewage Via Computer and Radio

contributed by Evil Wench
An alleged computer intruder used radio transmissions to alter sewage pump stations causing raw sewage to overflow on Queensland's Sunshine Coast. The 49-year-old Brisbane man is expected to face 371 charges when he appears in the Maroochydore Magistrates Court on June 15. The charges include stealing, computer intrusion and using radio communications equipment without authority.

AAP Newsfeed - via Lexis-Nexis

  2600 Keeps Lawyer

contributed by Macki
Judge Kaplan has ruled that the law firm Frankfurt, Garbus, Klein & Selz can continue to represent 2600 in their battle against Time Warner and the other plaintiffs over the posting of the DeCSS code. The plaintiffs had argued that due to the firms representation of Time Warner in other matters it would be a conflict of interest to represent 2600. The Judge disagreed.


  Preliminary Defcon Speaking Schedule

contributed by DTangent
In preparation for Defcon 8 to be held in Las Vegas at the end of July organizers have released a preliminary speaking schedule. Organizers have also updated the media archives section of the site containing film clips, documentaries and other tidbits from Defcons past.

Defcon 8

  Underground Site Form Alliance

contributed by Gh0zT
A new alliance has been announced between established computer security sites including the Fringe of the Web, and Project Gamma. This new alliance hopes to increase the quality of content available to its member sites.

Iron Box Technologies

buffer overflow

c o n s
a b o u t
p r e s s
s u b m i t
s e a r c h
c o n t a c t


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