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- A.J. Liebling


News for 060799

  AntiOnline Crosses the Line

contributed by whoever
After garnering intense media coverage (CNN, C|NET, WIRED, etc.) over his extremely early reporting of the MOD and gH attacks, John Vranesevich of AntiOnline has used that spotlight to further his own agenda. Now he has admitted to nurturing a hatred of hacking and the underground as a whole and at the same time aiding and abetting criminal acts, "Many times, I knew about these instances before hand, and could have stopped them."

AntiOnline Statement

A special report has now been released that details the close ties that John Vranesevich of AntiOnline has with the evil doers of the underground. This report claims that John Vranesevich actually paid individuals who later broke into web sites and then gave him 'exclusive' reports. This report is highly suggested reading for any journalist or reporter who has ever questioned Mr. Vranesevich about anything. It is also suggested that 'customers' of the AntiOnline Knowledge Base read this report and be familiar as to the type of person that is supplying this information. And finally any law enforcement officer who is investigating the or any other MOD cracks should absolutely read this report.

AntiOnline Crosses the Line

  The Difficulties of Reporting the Underground

contributed by Space Rogue
In light of all the media attention that hackers have gotten over the last few weeks it is apparent that most reporters and journalists are having a difficult time in accurately reporting the computer underground. While no one is claiming that it is easy, HNN editor Space Rogue takes a look at some of the more common pitfalls in this new Buffer Overflow article.

Buffer Overflow

  Mitnick Demonstrations Deemed a Huge Success

contributed by Freaky, phar, and Silicon Monk
Last Friday at 2pm in front of federal courthouses in over 16 cities people who could no longer sit down while excessive punishment was dealt by an overreaching government, gathered together to protest the large number of injustices perpetrated during the trial of Kevin Mitnick. At the demonstrations in Philadelphia a large paper mache Liberty Bell was displayed. Reba Mitnick, Kevin's grandmother was present at her local demonstration. In New York a skywriter wrote FREE KEVIN over Central Park and in San Francisco low flying airplanes carried FREE KEVIN banners.

Mitnick Demonstartions - Pictures Here
ZD Net

  New Trojan/Virus, PrettyPark

contributed by nvirB
A new virus/trojan, PrettyPark arrives as an email attachment and then resends itself to users listed in the windows address book, it may possibly repeat this as often as every 30 seconds. It also attempts to log into IRC channels to deposit information. Opinions vary as to threat level of this new virus. At last report it had only been seen in France.

ZD Net

  Eight Arrested in California

contributed by st1p3r
15,000 mass produced pirated copies of Microsoft applications where confiscated and eight people where arrested during a raid in Southern California last Thursday. They have been indicted on 45 counts of counterfeiting, conspiracy and money laundering.

Nando Times

  278 Internet Cafes Disciplined

contributed by Anonymous
Public Action Number One, has been launched jointly by the city of Shanghai China's police force along with commercial, telecommunications and education authorities to standardize the city's public Internet cafes. Only 350 of the cities estimated 2000 internet cafes are authorized to do business. The crackdown has resulted in fines and warnings for many establishments that do not control users forays into cyberspace

Nando Times

  Forbidden Knowledge Issue #5

contributed by Anonymous
Issue Five of the increasingly improving Forbidden Knowledge e-zine has been released. It features articles on Memory and Addressing Protection in Multiuser Operating Systems and some other very interesting topics. Check it out at the main site or at Packetstorm.

Forbidden Knowledge

  f41th Issue 6

contributed by D4RKCYDE
d4rkcyde has kept its work up and released issue 6 of the H/P ezine f4ith. The zine contains good h/p technical information and is available almost twice a month. Back issues are available.

Issue 6

  Antidote Vol2 Issue 7

contributed by lordoak
The newest issue of Antidote has been released with articles on PC Anywhere, Netscape, and much much more. Check it out.

Antodite Vol2 Issue 7

contributed by Anonymous
Yet another busy weekend. The following sites have been reported to HNN as being cracked.

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 10/04/00 at 02:15

Video Chile (
Guess (
Robertson & Walker, Attys (
Ministerio de Economia, El Salvador (
Rare Medium ( (
Christian Homes (
David Schroeders Construction, Inc. ( (
Stanford University (
UNT Edu (
victor lee (
Internet Direct (
BeacoNet (
Bonery Net ( (

More cracks...

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