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News for 061499

  Worm.ExploreZip Continues its Rampage

contributed by nvirB
After forcing some companies to completely shut down thier networks and keeping some administrators at work all weekend people are bracing for Worm.ExploreZip to resurface with a vengeance today as employees return to work. While Worm.ExploreZip has the fast spreading capabilities of Melissa it also contains a very destructive payload that can delete files. IT administrators are bracing for the expected onslaught of inevitable mutations.

Nando Times

FBI and NIPC On the Hunt
The FBI is hot on the trail looking for the creator of Worm.ExplorerZip. This is probably more of a PR stunt than anything. The odds of them actually finding whoever created this are slim to none.

ZD Net

Mac Vulnerable Too
Symantec Utilities is claiming that if a Mac user runs Windows emulation software, names files with .doc, .ppt, .xls, etc..., and either checks his mail under emulation or is on a mixed environment network it is possible to contract this worm. (Ed Note: Any Mac user who is running this brain dead setup deserves to be infected.)

ZD Net

  Senate Web Site Attacked, Again!

contributed by FedWatcher
For the second time in almost as many weeks the official web site of the US Senate has been defaced. A group known The Varna Hacking Group from Bulgaria claimed responsibility. (Mirror provided by

AP via Yahoo
HNN Defaced Pages Archive

  Mitnick Sentencing Hearing Rescheduled

contributed by Macki
This weekend Judge Pfaelzer granted Kevin Mitnick's defense a continuance, postponing tomorrow's previously scheduled sentencing hearing until July 12th. This will give the defense time to verify the damage claims which may be upwards of $80 million. Although it is not known for sure some people have speculated that the recent demonstrations (including a recent LA Times article on them) may have influenced Judge Pfaelzer to grant this request. She refused to hear a similar motion just days before the demonstrations. It is interesting to note that July 12th is the Monday after Defcon.

Letters Claiming Damage Amounts

  Russia Looks to Beef Up its Version of Echelon

contributed by Merlock
Russia has recently leaked a story concerning its version of Echelon (the North American spy network system) called SORM (System for Operational-Investigative Activities). This group has been around for over a year now, but a new development has civil rights leaders in Russia scared. "SORM-2" will require all Russian ISP's to install black-box recording devices at their POPs at the ISP's expense!!! Russian web users have exclaimed that they have been spied on for years, only now they are going to have to pay for it.

ABC News

  Company Claims CyberAttack by Competitor

contributed by Seraphic Artifex
Lenox Healthcare Inc. is claiming that its competitor Vencor Inc. engaged in "dead of night computer hacking" according to a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court in California. These actions are allegedly in retaliation for Lenox's cooperation with a government investigation of Vencor. The lawsuit claims, among other things that Vencor broke into Lenox Healthcare's computer system to prevent Lenox from processing medical bills. (It will be interesting to see if these claims can proven in court.)

The Berkshire Eagle

  LA set to Allow Internet Voting

contributed by Anonymous
The Louisiana Republican Party may allow people to vote via computer in the Jan. 29, 2000, presidential caucus. The company VoteHere.Net says its system is one of the toughest to defeat. One has to wonder just how tough it would it be to compromise the client side of the equation with programs like NetBus and Back Orifice floating around?

US News and World Report

  CCC Camp Shapes Up

contributed by tim
The Chaos Communication Camp, scheduled to take place later this summer in Germany is shaping up nicely. There is now a FAQ, registration information and even some weird video stuff.

Chaos Communication Camp
Camp Trailer
HNN Cons Page

  Hong Kong Makes Major Piracy Bust

contributed by Sinbad
Customs officials in Hong Kong have seized $2 million worth of of pirated software, production equipment, and vehicles in what is being called the largest bust of its kind. Officials confiscated 180,000 thousand pirated CDROM titles and arrested seven people.

Nando Times

  Ernst & Young Profile

contributed by afghan
A nice adverticle for Ernst & Young's Global Securities Solutions Center and its quick response team. Not much 'news' here but a real strong pitch for the 'eXtreme hacking' course offered by the company. It also mentions how great the Palm Pilot is.

Kansas City Star

Here is a link to PalmVNC that allows you to control an Xserver with a little ol' Palm Pilot as mentioned in the above article. (Not everything is proprietary.)


contributed by Anonymous
The following sites where reported as cracked over the weekend.

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 10/31/00 at 18:15

Sophie Liang (
Access TW (
Netpaths (
Empresa Nacional de Mineria ENAMI (
Planad (
NWC Net (
corriere espresso italia ed europa euroexpress (
Netanya Academic College (
Eletrobras Termonuclear SA (
Goto Playstation (
HIT Ingegneria Informatica ( (
Beverly Hills 90210 E-Mail Service (
Tim Biernat (
Foothill De Anza Community College District (
Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie (

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buffer overflow

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a b o u t
p r e s s
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