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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 062099

  Microsoft Calls eEye Irresponsible

contributed by Weld Pond
A week after notifying Microsoft of a major hole in its Internet Information Server 4.0 eEye Digital Security Team went public with the information and published an exploit for the hole. The Microsoft spin machine labeled this action as 'Irresponsible'. The finger here should not be pointed at eEye who did the honorable thing by alerting the public and posting a real fix before Microsoft, but should instead be pointed at Microsoft for creating bad software, and even worse, concealing the information for up to a week. Unfortunately these articles don't seem understand that.

LA Times
Nando Times
The UK Register
Associated Press - Via San Jose Mecury News

eEye Digital Security Team

Late Update
Well, at least Forbes gets it.


  Has the FBI Overreacted?

contributed by Weld Pond
Scott Peterson has some interesting commentary about the recent crackdown of the FBI on web graffiti artists. The government has compared recent cracks to the use of terrorist weapons such as chemical and biological weapons. Mr. Peterson says it is nothing of the sort and that the recent crackdown fosters images of McCarthyism. Definitely some interesting viewpoints here and worth the time to read.

PC Week

  Printer at Spa War Compromised

contributed by Silicosis
Ron Broersma, from the Space and Naval Systems Warfare Center, has claimed that Russians where able to redirect print jobs destined for a local printer back to Russia. While such a hack is possible in theory the difficulties of doing so would make it seem unlikely. DNS cache corruption seems like the most likely scenario. It is too bad that Mr. Broersma did not respond to the authors of this article with confirmation.


  Popular Singapore Sites Defaced

contributed by lamer
Two high profile sites in Singapore where recently defaced. MediaCity and Television Corporation Of Singapore. Unfortunately no mirrors of either site are available.

The Electric New Paper

  DOD Labels Software as 'Crap'

contributed by Code Kid
Art Money, senior civilian IT official for the Defense Department, while speaking at at the GovTechNet International Conference in Washington, D.C, said "The quality of software we're getting from vendors today is crap, vendors are not building quality in."

Federal Computer Week

  DOE Still Unsecure

contributed by Space Rogue
Even after one of the worst cases of spying in US history a special investigative report has found that the Department of Energy is not taking computer security seriously. The report labels computer security practices at DOE as "naive at best and dangerously irresponsible at worst."

Federal Computer Week
Science at its Best, Security at its Worst - DOE Security Report

  Terrorists Use the Net

contributed by Anonymous
Since everyone else does it terrorists do to. Terrorists are using the net as a means of communication, collaboration, and information dissemination. Sharing technology and spreading information to followers via the internet has become a necessary way of doing business. Web sites are new weapons terrorists are adding to their armory. A good quote from this article, "We cannot just make a law that will stop them from using it."

Computer Currents

  CIA Crypto Sculpture

contributed by lamer
There is an encoded sculpture in the Langley courtyard, and now there is a public challenge to see if someone in the general public can crack the code before the CIA (of course, they have had a 10 year head start).

ABC News

  Pirates of Silicon Valley

contributed by Silicosis
'Pirates of Silicon Valley' airs on TNT this Sunday at 8pm. The show is supposed to detail the history of Apple & Microsoft. While this info is going to be plastered everywhere else, it may be worth watching (if you have nothing better to do, after all, they are old school hackers.



contributed by carole
Here is a rather funny carton, found in a rather interestingly funny place. (

contributed by Anonymous

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 10/04/00 at 18:00

Video Chile (
Guess (
Robertson & Walker, Attys (
Ministerio de Economia, El Salvador (
Rare Medium ( (
Christian Homes (
David Schroeders Construction, Inc. ( (
Stanford University (
UNT Edu (
victor lee (
Internet Direct (
BeacoNet (
Bonery Net ( (

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