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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 070299

  Packet Storm Security Still Down But Data Saved

contributed by Space Rogue
After receiving an email from John Vranesevich, founder of Antionline, Harvard University pulled the plug on the extremely popular Packet Storm Security web site. John Vranesevich accused PSS of hosting libelous and sexually oriented material. Ken Williams, maintainer of PSS, has completely denied the presence of sexually oriented items and says that the allegedly libelous content was in a personal directoy and was not being published by the site. PSS was a major tool used by internet security professionals around the world.

HNN is expecting a statement from Ken Williams this morning to give greater detail to recent events.

Ken Williams' original statement regarding the demise of Packet Storm Security
Email from Ken Williams

AntiOnline's comments about the situation.
from John Vranesevich
Please note that AntiOnline blocks referers from HNN (and dozens of other sites).

Harvard University statement about why PSS was removed and a promise to return the data.
Harvard University Statement

Ken Williams initial response to the Harvard University statement.
Ken Williams Response to Harvard

ZD Net coverage of this complex story. ZD Net

Yesterdays news with greater detail.
HNN Archive for July 1, 1999

  Support for Ken Williams Continues to Grow

contributed by Space Rogue
The outpouring of support for Ken Williams and Packet Storm Security has been phenomenal. One such item of support has been the beginning of an effort to rebuild PSS from scratch as a grassroots effort. The organizer of this is asking anyone who ever downloaded a file form PSS to upload it here.

PacketStorm Mirror

  Hackers In the Workplace

contributed by Whoever
Security companies claim that they do not hire hackers. In reality are they actually actively recuiting hackers? Are they doing this because they know that not only are they the most knowledgeable but also the most loyal and hard working? A new HNN exclusive Buffer Overflow article examines these questions and more.

Buffer Overflow

  NPR Covers .gov/.mil Defacements.

contributed by oolong
In a rare moment of media impartiality, NPR's Morning Edition yesterday broadcast an article about the latest .gov breaking that featured an interview with Attrition staff. This interview properly puts the blame of the hacked pages on poor web server maintenance. This article is in Real Audio format. Kudos to Morning Edition for being fairly impartial, hopefully it will not be too much to ask other outlets to follow their example.

NPR - print
NPR - Real Audio

  Australia Passes Major Net Censorship Law

contributed by photon
Australian Parliament has created one of the world's most far-reaching online censorship laws. The Broadcasting Services Amendment Act will institute a rating system for Internet content. The Australian Broadcasting Authority will order ISPs to take down content on their servers rated X (Sexually Explicit) or RC (Refused Classification) within 24 hours of being notified. Opponents who failed to prevent the bills passing hope that the decentralized nature of the internet will prove to be uncontrollable by this new law. One loophole in the law is already being exploited, regulators forgot to include anonymous proxy services in the legislation.

Broadcasting Services Amendment Act
Australian Broadcasting Authority

  Proposed Law to Tighten Gov Computer Security

contributed by turtlex
The House Science Committee is attempting to introduce legislation that will hopefully increase the security of government web sites. The Bill calls for the promotion of security software on government sites. It will also task the independent committee on Computer System Security and Privacy with creating Security standards, establish fellowships for computer security students, examine the feasibility of creating a nationwide digital signature infrastructure and other provisions.

USA Today
C | Net

  Help Net Security is Moving.

contributed by BHZ
Help-net Security, an HNN Affiliate is moving to a new server. Unfortunately they have encountered a few problems with transferring the domain. So could be unfunctional for up to 5 days. In the mean time you can reach HNS at
Help-net Security - Old URL
Help-net Security - New URL

  HNN Notes

contributed by Space Rogue
HNN hopes everyone has a fun filled Fourth of July weekend. Note, that there will be no news update on Monday. Be sure to check in next week as we attempt to update the site remotely from Defcon7 in LasVegas. We should be ready to announce the HNN T-shirts that everyone has been asking for on Tuesday.

Oh, and SETI@Home released version 1.5 of the SETI software last Wednesday which fixes quite a few bugs. (with all the news lately we forgot to mention it). Be sure to join up with the HNN team as you search for that Aranakin guy.

HNN Team for SETI@Home

contributed by Anonymous
Cracked The following sites have been reported as compromised over the last two days. - possible first crack of .int domain

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 12/06/00 at 21:00

Lebanese Armed Forces (
Be Cool, Inc. (
iBingo (
Companhia de Informatica do Parana -- Celepar (
Votei!-Desenvolvimento & Marketing Ltda. (
Taltek Ltd. (
Gruenenthal Online (
Starting Point, L.L.C. (
Haifa University Campus Network (
Francesco Brogna ( ( (
Idea Integration Support Services of Nevada Corporation (
Ace Rent-A-Car Inc (
Kinky Mags (
Centre Ring Ltd (

More cracks...

buffer overflow

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a b o u t
p r e s s
s u b m i t
s e a r c h
c o n t a c t


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