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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 071199

  Hype on Back Orifice 2000 Reaches Fever Pitch

contributed by Reid Fleming
With the BO2K launch just days away the articles on BO2K are flourishing. HNN was able to get a sneak preview of the product and we think it will live up to all expectations and then some. This is a highly polished professional looking product. It will give the remote control vendors some competition.

The antivirus industry is gearing up for a busy weekend as they try to figure out a way to detect BO2K. But since cDc is releasing source code under the GNU public license there will be hundreds of spinoffs as people create their own versions of BO2k. Each version will need to be detected seperately by the antivirus software. When will Microsoft and the industry learn that antivirus detection is not the solution?


  Home PC Next Target for Hackers

contributed by Elvis Duke
This article questions whether or not vendors writing shoddy code or users not being diligent enough is to blame for systems being vulnerable. But there is no answer only users lamenting how complex the solution is. Of course vendors should be made accountable and are to blame. Why should users have to keep up on patches. As software moves into the home there is less security expertise and diligence, hence vendors need to improve if they want to sell into the home market.


  U.S. Vulnerable to Cyber Attack

contributed by Weld Pond
Jeffrey Hunker spoke at the Black Hat security conference and warned participants that there a a huge vulnerability in US information infrastructure. The visible web site attacks are the least of the governments worry. External threats to the infrastructure done in secret are the big problem. Hunker plans on starting an ROTC-like program to train college students in information security.


  Logging on to cyber-crime

contributed by Weld Pond
Interesting report on an online banking scam. An attacker set up a mirror site to simulate the banks login screen. In doing so they were able to get the customer's username and password.

This is just one of many attacks on online banking. Even though the security of such systems has not been worked out the industry proceeds to move forward signing up customers and putting more of them at risk.

Christian Science Monitor

  Novell Cracker Pandora 4.0 Released

contributed by Simple Nomad
Pandora can test the strength of Netware 4.x and 5.x passwords. It is a must have auditing tool for Netware security people.

Bugtraq - Press Release

Nomad Mobile Research Center

  Cypherpunks will hold meeting at DefCon

contributed by deepquest
SF Bay Area Cypherpunks July 1999 In Two Places At One Time!

This July, the Bay Area Cypherpunks begin to challenge the laws of physics by meeting in two places at one time. Our first experiment will be on the campus of Stanford University, extracting quantum slack from the Stanford Linear Accelerator (er, actually Tresidder Union coffee shop) and rematerializing in Las Vegas at Defcon at the Alexis Park hotel. Both events will be open public meetings on US soil.

Sat 10 July 1:00 - 5:00 PM
Stanford University Campus - Tresidder Union courtyard

Spot the Cypherpunk Contest:
This will be somewhat easier at Stanford than at Defcon :-)

Ian Goldberg - Zer0knowledge Network (
Using the Internet Pseudonymously: One Year Later
ZKS will be releasing Freedom 1.0 Beta 2

Cypherpunks Meetings

  Hackernews Now Available on Palm VII

contributed by Silicosis
For those with Palm VII's HNN is pleased to announce the hackernews PQA. With it, you'll be able to keep up with all the headlines through the PalmVII's built-in wireless networking support. Here's some screenshots of the splash screen and headlines.

The hackernews PQA can be downloaded here.

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Last Updated: 01/09/01 at 07:15

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