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News for 072799

  One Russian ISP Standing Up to FSB

contributed by Arik
ISP Bayard-Slavia Communications is refusing to go along with SORM-2 (System of Efficient Research Measures 2). In a supposed effort to reveal tax evaders and other criminals SORM-2 gives Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) the right to look into private e-mail without a warrant. SORM-2 calls for ISPs to install special listening equipment to keep its ISP license. Bayard-Slavia is the only ISP we have heard of that is refusing to go along with these provisions.

Information Week

  GameBoy Steals Cars and Makes Free Calls

contributed by doc
A GameBoy, GameBoy Pocket, or GameBoy Color has software available with the ability to turn your GameBoy into a RedBox (Toll Fraud Device) This software has been around for a while. These GUI based applications allow you use you GameBoy to make free long distance calls, crack answering machine passwords, and just use it as a tone dialer. Well the new GameBoy Color has an interesting feature, an IR port. As mentioned on HNN and elsewhere a few months ago there are vehicles that use IR as a locking mechanism. With currently available software you can now teach your GameBoy various IR codes including those to unlock vehicles. Wondering how you get these programs into your GameBoy? Well, Nintendo recently lost the court case against the person making and selling GameBoy ROMS which makes it real easy to transfer files around. Another example of how it is not the tool that is malicious but the user.

Ratb0y's Homepage (

  Mitnick Retains High Profile Lawyer For State Case

contributed by Ryan
Kevin Mitnick's sentencing for the Federal charges he has already pleaded guilty to was delayed again yesterday. In the meantime Kevin has retained well known defense attorney Tony Serra, to handle his state charges. This is a expose that does a decent job of giving a broad over view of the legal side of the Kevin Mitnick case.

Cal Law - Tony Serra Profile
Wired- Sentencing Delayed

  Back Orifice for Macintosh?

contributed by Nick has a story about TakeDown Suite 2.5, a backdoor program similar to the original Back Orifice. Once installed the application allows someone to remotely administer the machine. This is similar functionality to Back Orifice, which only works under windows. TakeDown Suite operates by installing an invisible extension into the system folder, when the machine next reboots it is vulnerable. Now where is that idiot that said Macs where secure?

Secure Mac

  AOL Criminals Busted

contributed by Lamer
After sending out bogus emails to AOL customers asking for credit card numbers two teenagers where able to get 900 people to cough them up. With about a 2% return rate on the emails they sent out the pair started to use the credit card numbers. They bought computer equipment that they later sold on eBay and sold the numbers in chat rooms. The Department of Justice and FBI, both worked on the case but would not reveal how the two had been caught. (I am glad the author did not call these two 'hackers')

APB Online

  Computer Criminal Busted in UK

contributed by tacscan
A UK man has been arrested and released on bail for allegedly breaking into the computers of the CurrantBun.Com Web site. The arrest was conducted by members of the Computer Crime Unit based at New Scotland Yard. is the portal of Britain's most popular newspaper, The Sun. After the break-in the personal information of over 50 people was distributed via the internet.

The Register

  Press Does Not Know What to Say About BO2K

contributed by Weld Pond
The number of articles that are showering accolades onto BO2K is amazing. Ok, maybe they aren't all that positive, but at least neutral and not claiming it is a trojan/virus. Some people still aren't getting the full picture but at least this is progress.


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