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- A.J. Liebling


News for 080399

  New York Times Debunked - FIDNet Moves Ahead as Planned

contributed by Ted
The Register has taken the time to actually read the draft proposal reported on last week by John Markoff of the New York Times. The draft proposal, now seven weeks old, calls for the creation of the Federal Intrusion Detection Network, or FIDNET. When the NYT reported on this story last week privacy advocates cried foul claiming that such a network would intrude on personal freedoms. Obviously a closer look at the document is warranted.

The Register

Officials from the CIAO and NIPC and other groups have said that the recent media attention and public outcry over the proposed FIDNet will not prevent the plan from going forward.

Federal Computer Week

  Latest CWD Pokes at AntiOnline

contributed by Weld Pond
The CyberWire Dispatch, a mailing list newsletter, has some very interesting things to say about John Vranesevich and Antionline. CWD writer Lewis Z. Koch makes some powerful observations about his past dealings with and the writings of Mr. Vranesevich. (If you have been following the antics of AntiOnline at all this is a must read piece.)

CyberWire Dispatch- republished with permission

  High Profile Sites Defaced

contributed by TurTleX
The Jerry Springer Show, Symantec Corporation and even Nellis Air Force Base have all had their pages defaced in recent days. The defaced Symantec page claimed to have left a trojan/worm behind that infected all of Symantec's systems. Symantec denies the charge. Thanks to we were able to grab mirrors of the effected sites.

HNN Defaced Pages Archive

C | Net
ZD Net
Heise Online- German

  Off The Hook Goes Shortwave

contributed by Emmanuel
Adding to its impressive list of distribution methods "Off the Hook" now broadcasts on shortwave radio. "Off the Hook" is a weekly radio show dedicated to the issues and events of the hacker world. Not only is "Off The Hook" available via commercial broadcast radio, Real Audio and MP3, they will now be broadcasting on shortwave radio as well. You can listen in at 7415khz, Tuesdays at 8 pm EST.

Off The Hook

  Feds Stop Satellite Biz due to WireTaps

contributed by Code Kid
The Federal Communications Commission is holding up critical operating licenses for several small satellite phone companies until they have finished talking with the FBI. The CALEA Act passed in 1994 requires telephone companies to provide law enforcement with access to digital call information, including the ability to tap calls and determine the location of users. Several satellite phone companies are in long negotions with the FBI to ensure that their systems comply with the law.

C | Net

  InfoCriminals Should Face Reasonable Penalties

contributed by Weld Pond
A very interesting opinion piece in Sunday's San Jose Mercury News asks some very poignant questions. The article calls for reasonable sentences for InfoCriminals, methods to be developed so that they are caught and says that companies should be held just as responsible as InfoCriminals for security violations. (This is the first time I have seen the word "InfoCriminals" used. I like it.)

San Jose Mercury Mews

  HNN Upgrades

contributed by Space Rogue
We are busy working on exciting new features for HNN. In preparation for those upgrades we will be changeing some of our default settings tonight. As long as our ISP does everything correctly you should not notice any change. If not then there may not be a news update on Wednesday.

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Last Updated: 12/11/00 at 03:15

Arkansas Community Colleges (
ATIO Corporation (Pty) Ltd (
Edusoft ( (
Bratel Comércio e Representações LTDA ( ( (
VIST Trading Company Ltd. (
Department of Civil Aviation, United Arab Emirates (
Minnesota Hockey Ventures Group (
Loma Linda University ( (

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