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- A.J. Liebling


News for 081199

  Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt

contributed by Brian Martin
HNN attempts to debunk Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) whenever we can. FUD is sometimes sneaky and it isn't always easy to tell when you're reading something designed to instill FUD. We now have the 'Newbie's Guide to Fear Uncertainty and Doubt' which also includes a 'FUD Factor' rating.

Buffer Overflow

  IRDP Hole in Win and Sol Leave Users Open to Attack

contributed by Silicosis
By spoofing IRDP Router Advertisements, an attacker can remotely add default route entries on a remote system, including most Windows machines and some Solaris systems. The attackers default route entry will be preferred over the DHCP servers default route. DHCP addressing is used by many corporations, cable modem systems, and dialup ISPs. This attack significantly increases a users risk to passive snooping, man-in-the-middle attacks, and denial of service attacks.

L0pht Heavy Industries - Full advisory with sample code and patches

  Freedom of Speech Being Threatened

contributed by RollrXGirl
HNN has mentioned this before but we feel this is important enough to mention again. Publishing unapproved drug information on the Internet will become a felony, punishable by up to ten years in a federal prison if a bill currently before congress passes into law. The bill will also make it a crime to simply link to a web site containing drug information. This is a blatant attempt to suppress the first amendment.

Library Of Congress - Text of S.1428
Lycaeum - The Worlds Largest Etheogenic Library
Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture - via

  More Government Sites Defaced

contributed by Code Kid
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has had its web page defaced by someone known as 'Sarin' FERC is a government agency that regulates the transmission and sale of oil, natural gas, electricity and regulates hydroelectric projects. The web page defacement called for the replacement of the administrator of the site.

Also recently defaced was the U.S. Department of Commerce Institute for Telecommunication Sciences. This site was defaced by 'Pakistan Hackerz Club' the page they left behind claimed to own America and threatend additional nuclear tests unless Pakistan's internal affairs are not messed with.

HNN Defaced Pages Archive
ZD Net

  Taiwan Strikes back at China via Net

contributed by Albert
In response to recent attacks on various Taiwan government web sites some Taiwanese individuals are attacking web sites in mainland China.

Excite News

  Monopoly Virus Taunts Bill Gates and Microsoft

contributed by nvirB
A new Melissa like virus called VBS/Monopoly uses a picture of Bill Gates and a Monopoly board to taunt the giant company. The virus uses the Melissa like tactic of sending itself to entries inside your address book but so far has not become wide spread. It also sends a wide variety of information about the infected computer to numerous other email addresses.


  FBI Fingerprint Database Now Online

contributed by pigeon
Officials in 15 states can now submit fingerprints to an online database to look for possible matches. The database, known as the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System, which cost $640 million, contains the fingerprints of 34 million people. Searches now take two hours instead of 15 days. All 50 states will eventually be connected to this system.

Nando Times

contributed by Ken
Yesterday HNN mentioned that Ken Williams and Packet Storm Security had been purchased by Kroll O'Gara. We have received word from Ken Williams that this is not the case. Ken said that as soon as the company that is involved is ready to go they will contact HNN. We're waiting.....

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Last Updated: 12/11/00 at 07:30

Arkansas Community Colleges (
ATIO Corporation (Pty) Ltd (
Edusoft ( (
Bratel Comércio e Representações LTDA ( ( (
VIST Trading Company Ltd. (
Department of Civil Aviation, United Arab Emirates (
Minnesota Hockey Ventures Group (
Loma Linda University ( (

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