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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 082599

  No Jail for First Convicted Pirate

contributed by AlienPlague
Jeffrey Gerard Levy, the college student who became the first person convicted under the 'No Electronic Theft Act' of 1997 has pled guilty to one count of "criminal infringement or reproduction." However, a plea bargain will ensure that he does not see the inside of a jail cell. The DOJ has stated that they will not bring about hundreds of these cases, but hope that the conviction will serve as a warning to others who engage in computer piracy as a 'hobby'. (How is no jail time that big of a warning?)

USA Today

  NetBus - Product Under Siege

contributed by Judd, the company that makes NetBus Pro, is lashing out against Anti-Virus vendors for restricting sales of its product by labeling the software as a virus. Net Bus Pro 2.1 is a remote administration tool similar to Back Orifice that allows an administrator to control a remote system. is claiming that AV vendors like Symantec think that NetBus is competition for their remote administration software and that is why it is being flagged by the AV software. UltraAccess says that unless some sort of agreement can be reached they may purse legal action against AV companies for defamation and restraint of trade.

  Worst Security Hole Ever?

contributed by Weld Pond
This new hole in Internet Explorer 5 allows an infocriminal to place a program on a victim's hard disk that will be executed at the next reboot. The bug can be exploited from a user opening a web page or reading an email. The problem is located with an Active X control called "Object for constructing type libraries for scriptlets". Microsoft is working on a fix, in the meantime users are urged to turn off Active X within their browsers. (Sure glad I use Netscape.)

George Guninski's Home Page - Demo and Source Code Available
Internet News

  IRC Banned in Malaysia

contributed by AlienPlague
Undernet, EFnet and DALNet, Internet Relay Chat Networks, had banned users from Malaysia for seven days last week. Both of Malaysia's Internet service providers Jaring and TMNet ISPs had been banned from using the networks effectively cutting off the entire country. The ban was due to users in the country abusing the networks services. After discussions with both ISPs the ban was lifted last Friday.

South China Morning Post

  I want my, I want my, I want my HNN

contributed by Space Rogue
Monday HNN announced that the new Java HNN News Ticker is available on the Affiliate Resources page. Today we are happy to announce several new ways which you can receive your HNN. With our new XML backend we now have channels on My Netscape and My Userland. This is in addition to our box on Slashdot and our previously announced PQA for the Wireless Palm Pilot. We've got even more features in the works so keep your eyes open.

I want my HNN

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Last Updated: 12/11/00 at 14:15

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Bratel Comércio e Representações LTDA ( ( (
VIST Trading Company Ltd. (
Department of Civil Aviation, United Arab Emirates (
Minnesota Hockey Ventures Group (
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