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News for 090299

  MostHated Speaks About Mindphaser and Global Hell

contributed by Ender Wiggin , trustno1 and Arik
Mosthated, a member of gH, gives a pretty good interview to OwlClone of OSALL. The interview covers current happenings with Global Hell as well as reactions and comments on the arrest of Mindphaser for the defacement or


MostHated continues on his own site with an article with more detail on the whole situation.

Pure Security

The Washington Post has a new article that gives a little more detail on Mindphaser (Chad Davis), his involvement with Global Hell, and his subsequent arrest.

Washington Post

  Australian Users Forced to Pay for Censorship

contributed by SteelX
The Internet Industry Association in Australia has unveiled a draft of a new code of conduct. The Code requires that individuals express in writing to their ISP that they are using client side filters (Net Nanny, CyberCop, etc) when accessing the internet. If the user does not have the software the ISP will provide it and pass the charge along to the end user. The draft code is open for comment until September 30th, when it will be submitted to the Australian Broadcasting Authority.

Australian News

  FBI Not Giving Up, Still Wants to Read Your Mail

contributed by Simple Nomad
The FBI is again strongly pushing to get Congress to pass laws that allow them to access the plain text version of encrypted messages. I don't think it matters whether they get that plain text via key recovery, or weakened keys, or back doors -- they want to be able to view email. This quote gives you a flavor: "We're advocating that commercially available encryption software should have some means of access to the plain text," said FBI spokesman Barry White. "To do otherwise would jeopardize public safety." In other words the FBI feels encryption is hazardous to your health because they can't read your email.


  OpenBSD - For a Secure And Open Society

contributed by Ryan
Theo de Raadt gives a great interview with LTN Online. Theo is the leader of the OpenBSD project. OpenBSD is considered by many (including HNN) to be the most secure OS in the world. The article quotes Theo as saying "There hasn't been a single remote security hole found in OpenBSD in two and a half years, in the default install. So that means if you want your machine cracked, you're going to have to misconfigure it."

LTI Online

  Are Malicious Coders A Y2K Problem?

contributed by Weld Pond
With unknown people crawling around in all of your proprietary source code looking for and fixing Y2K bugs, how do you know if they aren't leaving behind little back doors for themselves to use later on? Is the code access that has been given to your Y2K programmers tightly controlled, have background checks been done, is someone auditing the new code? This is mostly not as big a problems as some people in the security industry would have you believe but it is something to be concerned about.


  Air Force Considers Spam Cyber Attack

contributed by mortel
Lt. Gen. William Donahue, director of communications and information for the Air Force, while speaking at the annual Air Force Information Technology Conference, said that during the war against Yugoslavia that the US experienced coordinated cyber attacks. He went on to say that the attacks, which were traced back to China, came daily and where intent on taking down NATO networks. Then he goes on to say that the attacks were not terribly sophisticated and involved mostly spam email. (So which was it? A serious coordinated Chinese attack? Or some nuisance spam?)

Federal Computer Week

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