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News for 091199

  JPEG Steals ICQ Passwords

contributed by mobys_dick_
A Trojan Horse masquerading as a .jpeg file has been circulating around the net for some time. It has effected at least 200 of AOL's 40 million customers. Details of the attack are scarce but the file somehow steals ICQ passwords.

ZD Net
C | Net
PC World

  BackDoor in Windows Found

contributed by evil wuench
A real back door has been found in Windows 2000 Beta 3. MS said it knew about the hole back in April and that approximately 650,000 systems could be at risk. The problem is based in the 'autologin' account that is automatically created for users who are not connected to a domain. If the telnet server is active, which can be done remotely with Visual Basic commands, a malicious attackers could login through this account and have complete control over the system.

ZD Net

  HERF Gun Demonstrated at InfowarCon

contributed by Code Kid
At the Infowar Conference held Wednesday in Washington DC a California engineer demonstrated a High Energy Radio Frequency Weapon capable of remotely disrupting computers, automobiles, medical equipment and other electronic devices. The demonstration was done with $500 worth of spare parts assembled from a local electronics store. (Until I see a demonstration that has a range of over 300 meters or a 'blast' radius of over 25 meters I'm not going to get too worried about this technology. While numerous people have claimed such weapons exists they are either classified or otherwise shrouded in secrecy. A 30 meter range does not constitute a viable weapon.)

ZD Net

  GNU Launches Free Encryption Tool

contributed by Weld Pond
As a replacement for the now commercial PGP, GNU software has released GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) version 1.0.0. Since the software was developed outside the US, does not contain any patented algorithms and is in the public domain the software does not come under control of US export restrictions or the Wassenaar agreement. GnuPG features 128 bit encryption, support for a key expiration date, and comes in eight different languages. It was originally written for GNU/Linux, FreeBSD and OpenBSD systems, and has recently been ported to Windows.

GNU Privacy Guard
Free Software Foundation

  Fringe Goes Offline

contributed by White Vampire
The popular web site 'Fringe of the Web' has decided to shut down after a year in operation. FoW was a popular underground web site ranking page that allowed people to rank web sites based on which ones they visited. This is the second time the FoW has been decommissioned, the first time was back in 1996. The admin of the site RSnake says he will probably leave the scene.

Project Gamma

  Andrew Fernandes Interview - Part 2

contributed by Ender Wiggin
In the second part of OSAll's interview with Andrew Fernandes we hear about the initial reaction to the "_NSAKey." Apparently the first thoughts through his head were in the vein of "Holy shit" and not "backdoor." The third installment will have his actual actions -- and whether he thinks he overreacted.


  IACSP Defaced

contributed by wanker
The web site for the International Association for Counterterrorism and Security Professionals has been defaced for the second time in one week.

Computer Currents
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Last Updated: 11/01/00 at 07:00

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corriere espresso italia ed europa euroexpress (
Netanya Academic College (
Eletrobras Termonuclear SA (
Goto Playstation (
HIT Ingegneria Informatica ( (
Beverly Hills 90210 E-Mail Service (
Tim Biernat (
Foothill De Anza Community College District (
Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie (

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