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- A.J. Liebling


News for 091798

This site is still in Beta mode. You may notice periods of slow updates. Expect cool new features to appear soon. hacked!

contributed by many people
We have an unconfirmed report from several source that a hacker group calling itself wH^TyC has hacked That is all the information we have at this time. Stay tuned for more updates. - the hacked site.
wH^TyC - the hacker groups web site

  Mexican goverment hacked.

contributed by X-Ploit


Early Wednesday morning a hacking team known only as "X-Ploit" replaced the main page of a Mexican Government site. The X-Ploit Team is believed to consist of three hackers that use only the handles of LoTek, LeadRain, and DES as identification.
According to a boast on the hacked web page the X-Poit team owns the entire domain. They list several other Mexican government sites that they have hacked over the last year from the Secretary of Property and Public Credit to the Secretary of Health.
The hacked page stayed up on the hacked site for over six hours before it was replaced with original content.
The hacked web page declared the Internet territory, with its virtual borders, free from the yoke of corrupt and treasonous government. They ended the page with this quote "Mexico for Mexicans and the Internet for X-Ploit"
The site was back up early Thursday morning and was quickly hacked again. Shortly after that the site was unreachable. We have been unable to contact the Mexican authorities for comment.

HNN is still waiting for a responce to its request for an email interview. It will posted here as soon as it is recieved. Stay tuned!

Original Site Maybe offline or still hacked

HNN Archive of Hacked Page

AltaVista English Translation of Hacked Page Just hit the 'Translate' button on the next page.

  The Well is hacked.

contributed by Weld Pond
The Well, a famous california ISP, had the files of eleven of its users look at. The hackers, looking for credit card numbers also took the time to look throught the files of eleven users forcing The Well to take down its site for six hours.
San Francisco Examiner

  NY Times by HFG still making waves

contributed by Space Rogue

Looks like we were on the money with our early comment about how serious the implications where about the NY Times hack. (See bottom of page) Wired picked up the story.

C-Net now has an updated story.

Fox News finnally chimes in with a story and gets a lot of it wrong. Which is strange since the fact gathering has already been done.

  Egypt has its first 'hack'

contributed by Space Rogue

Must be international day.
In what is being called the first internet related crime in Egypt a few codes kidz steal a Credit Card number and download some pr0n. Took them seven months to get busted.
Nando Times

C-Net a little late but they pick up the story. Why do they still insist on calling a coupla codez kidz 'hackers'?

  US relaxes crypto export controls

contributed by Space Rogue
In an apparent olive branch move to help quell the raging debate of the draconian US export controls on crytography, the government said today that it would let crypto outside the country under certian conditions.
Internet News
Nando Times

  Chinese hacker busted

contributed by Space Rogue
China arrests thier first hacker. Given the political climate in China it just may be that this guy was accused of being hacker because he was an enemy of the state. Guess we will never know the truth for sure as China really isn't saying much.
Nando Times

  US West hacked from the inside.

contributed by gomarek
An excellent example of how not set up your distributed computing system
ZD Net

  HFG hacks the New York Times

contributed by Space Rogue
HFG succeeded in hacking the prestigious New York Times web site and got alot of press in doing so. Our question is how long have they been vulnerable and didn't know it? How many minor changes where made to various web pages spreading misinformation. This is why corporate security is so important.
Internet News
Nando Times
ZD Net
CNN changed thier story midway through the day. Here is the revised version.

  Consumers have no protection from software vendors.

contributed by Space Rogue
Section 2B of the Universal Commercial Code will exempt software vendors from liabilty if thier products toast your machine. Why does software get a special exemption? How are we going to get good software if we can't threaten to sue if they screw up?

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Last Updated: 11/01/00 at 11:15

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