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News for 092300

  “c0mrade” Receives Punishment for NASA Infiltration

contributed by laney
A teenager known only as "c0mrade" because he is legally underage, has been sentenced to six months in a juvenile facility for breaking into NASA and The Defense Threat Reduction Agency computer systems. As part of his sentencing conditions he is required to write apologies letters to the SA for NASA and to the Secretary of Defense. Apparently, Janet Reno believes the prosecution “shows that we take computer intrusion seriously and are working with our law enforcement agencies to aggressively fight this problem.”

AP via ABC News
(new source)

  Network Associates Investigates Handheld Virus

contributed by weld pond
Network Associates virus experts are demonstrating a new Palm virus called Phage that they received from someone who claims to have found it on a web site. The virus, which overwrites palm executables, has a fairly primitive infection vector as it requires a human to hotsync or beam it onto the Palm. Considering this is how DOS viruses started out, we can expect to see more sophisticated Palm viruses in the future.

  Top Universities Refuse to Ban Napster

contributed by weld pond
It appears file sharing won't be banned at some of the nation's top universities. The bold move warrants a round of kudos to the sanity displayed by these institutions of higher learning. Just imagine the potential consequences of removing Napster access. What would be next? No more ftp, nfs, or Windows networking? Next thing you know, VCRs and photocopiers would disappear from the libraries and one could only begin to fathom the fall out from that.

Boston Globe

  Herbless Quits His Day Job

contributed by apocalypse dow
Herbless, the notorious cyber vandal, has decided to throw in the towel and stopping defacing websites. This comes one day after Herbless hit various HSBC websites across Europe. With approximately 450 websites vandalized, Herbless used the pages as a personal soapbox, where he or she could lambaste high fuel prices.
Herbless Interview via HWA-Security
AP via Nando Times
Attrition Mirror of HSBC Defacement

  NASA - Why is Everyone Always Picking On Me?

contributed by laney
In a case unrelated to the NASA break in article above, Jason Diekman aka "Shadow Knight" or "Dark Lord," is facing federal charges for allegedly obtaining unauthorized access to government computers. It is believed that Diekman compromised NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) computer system and used it as host to much of the illegal activity he has been charged with. Although highly unlikely, the 20 year old suspect could receive a 26-year sentence and well over half a million dollars in fines.

Reuters via Excite News
(new source)

  Veterans Administration Computer Security Weak

contributed by iron river and pyle
It has been determined that a great deal of work needs to be done in order to properly secure Veterans Administration computer systems after a security audit conducted under the direction of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ inspector general was held. The revelation that medical and financial information were stored in vulnerable atmospheres along with several other extremely serious security issues discovered during the audit, makes it inconceivable that the department spends $1 billion a year on technology. Where does it all go?

Federal Computer Week

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Last Updated: 12/06/00 at 22:45

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Companhia de Informatica do Parana -- Celepar (
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Starting Point, L.L.C. (
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Idea Integration Support Services of Nevada Corporation (
Ace Rent-A-Car Inc (
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