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1999 Year In Review

Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 100100

  British Telecom eMail Service Breached

contributed by weld pond
A British surfer reported that he was able to obtain access to other user accounts at BT's free Talk121 email service. Another day another privacy/security vulnerability in a web application. Yet another case of poor web application design. At this point users should expect this type of insecurity unless a site has gone way beyond the industry standard in web security.


  Mudge: Knowledge Enables Strong Defenses

contributed by weld pond
Mudge, VP of R&D for @stake (the operator of Hackernews) recently discussed trends in security research and advisory policies. Mudge contended that the best way to help companies protect themselves is to have detailed knowledge of product flaws, combined with a "war college" mentality that enables attack models to be understood and defended against. Legal analyst Michael Scher of the University of Chicago agreed, saying also that software makers should consider partial indemnification of company losses due to security breaches.

Inter@ctive Week

  On Sunday, Digital Signatures for Everyone?

contributed by andrew jaquith
Is 2000 the Year of PKI? (Wasn't the Year of PKI supposed to be 1997, then 1998, then 1999…?) On Sunday, the recently-passed US Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act goes into effect, giving digital signatures the same legal validity as their paper equivalents. The law is "neutral" in that it does not favor particular technologies, although digital certificates appear to be favored.


  Cyber Vandalism on the Rise

contributed by pyle
As if further evidence were needed, an recent posting paints a grim portrait of the state of web security. While one might question the science behind it, the FBI estimates that computer-related crime will cost the US $266 million, a more than 100% increase over last year's statistic. And the number of incidents reported to CERT reported in the first half of this year totaled 8,800, versus 9,800 for all of 1999.

USA Today via AZCentral

  White House Email Hearings Continue

contributed by iron river
More information continues to dribble out regarding the alleged White House email cover-up. Democrats noted that 130,000 of 150,000 missing emails are now accounted for. Republicans continue to press forward with hearings, to determine the relevance to ongoing campaign finance investigations.

Federal Computer Week

  Europe Pushes Computer Crime Agenda

contributed by andrew jaquith
The Council of Europe has published Draft 19 of its proposed Convention on Crime in Cyberspace. The document proposes aligning member countries' criminal codes in the areas of computer hacking, interception of data, computer fraud, and child pornography. The treaty is expected to be finished in December, pending public comment. The question is, how does it square with the EU's privacy directive?

Council of Europe
Synopsis of EU Privacy Directive

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Last Updated: 12/07/00 at 05:30

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Be Cool, Inc. (
iBingo (
Companhia de Informatica do Parana -- Celepar (
Votei!-Desenvolvimento & Marketing Ltda. (
Taltek Ltd. (
Gruenenthal Online (
Starting Point, L.L.C. (
Haifa University Campus Network (
Francesco Brogna ( ( (
Idea Integration Support Services of Nevada Corporation (
Ace Rent-A-Car Inc (
Kinky Mags (
Centre Ring Ltd (

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