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- A.J. Liebling


News for 100200 Customers Exposed

contributed by pyle
Kenneth Harvey, a blatantly bitter ex-customer of, has launched a full scale attack on his nemesis by releasing the personal information of 100 customers on his own website, While consumers have every right to vent their frustration at a corporate entity they feel may have wronged them, Harvey has crossed the line by infringing on the privacy of innocent people (which he promises to continue doing). Surely there is a better way to draw attention to your plight.

  BugTraq's Moderator is "Most Important"

contributed by weld pond
Network Computing's feature "The 10 Most Important People of the Decade" lists Elias Levy at #8 for his work as BugTraq's moderator. Levy has worked tirelessly to thoroughly track the evolution of online security and all it's vulnerabilities in a completely unbiased manner. Congratulations to one of the few that has managed to remain completely honest in the face of scrutiny .

Network Computing

  Digital Viruses Hover But Remain Dormant For Now

contributed by pyle
Experts believe the lack of functionality seen on mobile phones and PDA's does not embody the complexity required of it to be a successful virus conduit. The more user options available, the greater the risk for viruses. Not surprising news considering how many times we've watched this same episode unfold.

ZDNet via Yahoo

  China Tightens Its Grip on Citizens

contributed by laney
The Chinese government has released a new set of regulations as part of its ongoing attempt to gain control of and regulate what citizens are able to access on the Internet. Most disturbing is a rule that requires ISPs to keep a record of what was accessed and by who for 60 days time in case police decide they want to investigate the company's or it customer's activities. And we thought CueCat was bad…

Reuters via Yahoo Falls Victim Again

contributed by weld pond's website was infiltrated late last week by two individuals in the Netherlands. The holes were quickly patched after they called Slashdot to explain how they entered the system. Slashdot advises patrons of its website to change their passwords as a precaution.


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Last Updated: 12/01/00 at 13:45

Graham Metcalfe t/a Expressmedia (
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Engenharia de Redes de Comunicação (
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