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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 100298

This site is still in Beta mode. You may notice periods of slow updates. Expect cool new features to appear soon. Although we are still in Beta mode we are looking for an advertising solution. (Sorry, but we have to pay for this site somehow.)

  Canadians relax crypto restrictions

contributed by lots of people
The Canadian government has said NO to Key Escrow and are allowing people to use whatever they want to protect their speech. Cool. Now if the US could take some hints from our Northern neighbors everything would be peachy.

WCCO Channel 4

  US declares war on piracy

contributed by Anonymous
Vice President Al Gore has declared war on piracy. By forcing all Government systems to be audited for pirated software and safeguards put in place to prevent piracy.

Nando Times
Netly News

  Police raid Pirates in Phoenix

contributed by Space Rogue
Police raid software pirates in Phoenix. They seized bank accounts and numerous copies of pirated Microsoft products.

Nando Times

  Australia has BO

contributed by Space Rogue
Back Orifice has made it across the great pond all the way to Australia. Go cDc!

The Australian

  DOD was hacked by themselves


contributed by Space Rogue
Blood Bank attack was simulated I knew a hacker wasn't going to go change blood types in medical records. What was the point? The DOD today announce that the attack earlier attributed to crackers was in fact a special 'Red Team' exercise designed to "demonstrate potential impacts" of real hack attacks.

Federal Computer Week
Wired - A day late but they get a story in.

  1800 root accounts on one Gov system.

contributed by Space Rogue
The U.S. Accounting Office released another report this week detailing the weaknesses in Government security systems. This time its the Defense Finance and Accounting Service and the Air Force. The reports say that over 1 million dollars have been embezzled by DOD employees over the last seven years. The report also claims that one accounting system had given root access to over 1,800 people.

Federal Computer Week

  Are they listening to you?

contributed by Space Rogue
Echelon a reality? The global eavesdropping net is still denied by the US but the Brits are about to blow the lid off the secret electronic spy network.


  NT - C2 or not C2

Contributed by Defiant
Finnally someone is telling the Government what hackers have known for years. Windows NT is not secure! At least when it comes to C2 compliance. Hopefully the Navy and others will wake up in time, before they spend billions of our money to install it.


Wired - A little late but a better article.

  CDA II watch

contributed by Space Rogue

It seems hypocritical of the US Government to be releasing pr0n to the public (i.e. Kenneth Starr Report) and at the same making such actions criminal.

The Child Online Protection Act (CDA II) (H.R. 3783 and S. 2326) requires web admins to limit access to material considered 'harmful to minors'. The bill has passed the full Commerce Committee and is on its way to the House. Looks like they have been too busy infighting and dealing with Monica to get to it this session. Woohoo!


Check to see if your congressman is a hypocrite.

TBTF - Cool Site

SurfWatch, CYBERSItter, BESS and Smart Filter have added the Starr report to their list of banned items. How funny is that?


buffer overflow

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a b o u t
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