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- A.J. Liebling


News for 100499

  Why Your Network is Still Vulnerable

contributed by Brian Martin
Your high priced security consultants advised you to or you just read a new book by some whiz-bang security hot shot and they recommended that you run SATAN against your network. You did and now your wondering why your web site was just defaced. New in the Buffer Overflow section is a new article that will hopefully tell you:

Why Your Network is Still Vulnerable

  'PhoneMasters' Finally Sentenced

contributed by Arik and iwchick
A group few people have heard of, dubbed the 'Phone Masters' by the FBI, had three of its members raided four years ago. Using new technology developed by the FBI specifically for this case, 'the magic box' allowed investigators to gather evidence on what has been called one of the greatest cyber-intrusions of all time. The group allegedly had their run of telephone and other networks across the country. The three people apprehended have plead guilty to federal charges of one count of theft and possession of unauthorized calling-card numbers and one count of unauthorized access to computer systems.

ZD Net

  India Objects to Comments From Vatis

contributed by seano
Indian officials have strongly objected to comments made by Michael Vatis, head of the National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC). Vatis indicated that Y2K code fixes by Indian programers may be riddled with back doors and logic bombs. The chairman of the Indian government's Y2K Action Force called the statements 'utterly ridiculous'.

Reuters - Via ABC News

  Bill Cheek Diagnosed with Cancer Still Faces Charges

Stolen from Strong Signals
Bill Cheek, editor of the "Experimenters Workshop" column in Monitoring Times and author of a series of books on scanner modifications was just diagnosed with incurable lung cancer at the end of September. If treatment is not begun aggressively and rapidly, doctors give him about 3-4 months. Charges brought against him in a New York federal court last spring -- related to his scanner business -- are currently being heard before the Grand Jury. Though always a controversial figure, there is no disputing the fact that Bill has devoted his life to the love of radio and technology.

Strong Signals

  Banks to Share Info Secretly

contributed by Weld Pond
The Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center has been established by the nation's banking industry to share information anonymously about electronic threats from rogue employees, software bugs, viruses and malicious cyber intruders. Licensed banks and financial firms will pay $13,000 to $125,000 to share completely anonymous information. One of the center's strengths will be its ability to notice trends in the information gathered. Other industries, including telecommunications, oil and gas, electrical power, transportation and America's water supply system are planning similar centers.

Associated Press - via Fox News

  Melissa's Twin Appears in Outlook

contributed by no0ne
A virus that works in the same fashion as the Melissa Virus has shown up in Microsoft Outlook. The virus, named "VBS.freelink", requires a newer version of Visual Basic. This means that it can't penetrate or infect Windows 95.


  L0pht Heavy Industries Exposed

contributed by Weld Pond
What exactly happens at L0pht Heavy Industries? Why do they do what they do? Why so many different flavors of Cheez-Its in the cupboard?

New York Times Magazine - Free Registration Required

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