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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 100599

  ASX Claims Attacked by US Military

contributed by turtlex
The managing director of the Australian Stock Exchange claims to have traced attempted cyber break-ins to a United States military installation. The director said that break in attempts happened against the site every day but that none where able to get past the first of a series of fire walls built to protect the system.

Asia Yahoo
Yahoo News
Sydney Morning Herald
Australian Stock Exchange

  Microsft Clears Self of HotMail Breach

contributed by Weld Pond
A study commissioned by Microsft has cleared them of any fault in the recent HotMail security breach. The breach was caused by a 'software glitch' that left HotMail users vulnerable for up to 65 hours. The report was conducted by one of the 'Big 5' auditing firms but has not been released. (If I was the judge at my own trial I'd clear myself too.)

ZD Net

  Humor instead of Security Used by Bike Company

contributed by moorsker
After being defaced by the same group, 139 Rooted, four times in two weeks the marketing department of Hoffman Bikes posted a spoof of its own site. Instead of fixing their security the company decided to get some marketing mileage out of the attacks by posting a humorous spoof of their site. A representative from Hoffman Bikes said that they will take the site down if it gets defaced again.

Mirrors of 139 Rooted Defacements

  TISC I/O Lab to Showcase Security Tech

contributed by Bill
The Internet Security Conference (TISC) once again will host the TISC Interoperability Lab, a live network that demonstrates how organizations can combine multi-vendor solutions to create a secure enterprise environment. The Interoperability Lab will be open to all TISC attendees October 12-14 at the World Trade Center in Boston, Massachusetts. (As press releases go this one was pretty dry but this lab looks like a lot of fun.)

The Internet Security Conference

  Web Anonymizing Tests Released

contributed by Richard
Worried that your Web Anonymizer isn't working? Try out these pages which contain about a half dozen different tricks a web site can use to grab your info. If your paying to be anonymous you should check this out. You may be surprised.

Anonymizing Tests
Anonymizing Info

  CyberCrime Prosecutor Moves to Private Practice

contributed by Weld Pond
David Schindler, who prosecuted Kevin Mitnick, Kevin Poulsen, and Justin Peterson, is moving on to private practice. He has accepted a partnership with the Los Angeles law firm of Latham & Watkins where he will handle intellectual property and other computer related cases.

ZD Net

  Home Banking Weaknesses Begin at Home

contributed by Weld Pond
The rush to give consumers online banking has also left them vulnerable. It is extremely easy to install a Trojan Horse and take control of not just your PC but also your bank accounts. Banks say that this is not their problem, but then they get to write off any losses so they really don't care.


(This show aired on Dateline, you would expect it to be at but for some silly reason they put it where no one can find it over on Go figure.)

  Subversion of Information

contributed by Ender Wiggin
What is the absolute worse consequence of hackers on the Internet? Defacing high profile sites? Deleting a dozen machines effectively shutting down an entire business? Flooding subnets and denying access to an ISP of five thousand people? None of the above. It's Subversion of Information (SoI) attacks -- the modification of information.

Aviary Mag

  SAGE Offers Impenetrable Server and Kills Word "Hacktivist'

contributed by Code Kid
Systems Advisory Group Enterprises, Inc. has released a press release that basically defines 'hactivists' as script kiddies and web page defacers. Not only have we lost the word 'hacker' to the media we may also loose 'hacktivism'. Oh, and they say their 'new revolutionary' Linux-based Web server is 'impenetrable'. They will be at Fall Internet World (booth #3409), why not stop by and tell how you feel about their mangling of words. Or better yet send them a nice email.

PR Newswire - Press Release
Systems Advisory Group Enterprises, Inc.

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Last Updated: 11/01/00 at 23:45

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Adara (TW) (
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MBA International School of Business Administration Management (
MBA International School of Business Administration Management (
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0x7f Security Research (
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