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- A.J. Liebling


News for 100799

  Global Jam Echelon Day

contributed by mea culpa
Echelon is a vast mythical eavesdropping network set up by various governments including the US, UK, Canada, Australia and others in order to monitor the world's electronic communications (telephone, email, fax, etc.) for subversive keywords. There seems to be two separate attempts to jam the service by overflowing it with numerous emails filled with key words. On October 18 the American Justice Federation has planned one such activity. Another grass roots movement has been scheduled for the day before Stop Police Brutality Day on October 21 in the hopes that legal authorities will be too busy chasing down bogus leads to stop any planned activities for the day.

Links to Info about Echelon

On both of these days netizens around the globe are implored to send out at least one email with at least one of the key words. While the actual list of words is not known it is assumed that words such as these will trigger the system: Kill FBI CIA NSA IRS ATF BATF DOD Militia gun weapon manifesto terrorism bomb Special Forces SOF Delta Force Constitution Mossad NASA MI5 Revolution Terrorist

  Vatis Creates Second International Incident

contributed by netmask
Michael Vatis of the National Infrastructure Protection Center has created a second international incident. Last week he blamed India and Israel among others for introducing back doors in Y2K code fixes. Now Russia is upset over implications that it attacked US cyber defenses in an operation known as Moonlight Maze. Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service has denied allegations that a Kremlin sponsored cyber-spy ring stole information from U.S. military computers. Michael Vatis of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation told a Senate sub-committee Wednesday that the FBI and NIPC thought computer intruders located in Russia had filched sensitive information from U.S. military networks. (Someone should have a sit down talk with Vatis before someone gets pissed and really does attack the US.)

Excite News

  Who Were the Phone Masters Really?

contributed by Ender
An Interview with someone who not only knew the phonemasters personally, he learned phones from them. The PhoneMasters where a group recently arrested by the FBI for bilking the nations phone companies out of millions of dollars. The Interview tells us not about what the phonemasters did -- but about who they were and what they DIDN'T do. Sure, they could have turned off phone service to thousands of people. But they didn't. Find Out Why.

Aviary Mag

  Another GAO Report Says US Vulnerable

contributed by evilwench
In a truly shocking move the GAO released yet another report yesterday titled ""Critical Infrastructure Protection: Comprehensive Strategy Can Draw on Year 2000 Experience" which states the government's computer infrastructure remains dangerously vulnerable to terrorist attack. Perhaps if they quit writing specially commissioned reports and start tackling the problems with actions instead of rhetoric they could see some progress.


  L0pht On PBS Radio Today

contributed by Weld Pond
On October 7th at 10am to 11am EST Mudge and Weld Pond will be on The Connection, with Christopher Lydon discussing hacking and computer security. This show is nationally syndicated so check the affiliates list for a station near you. Or listen live from the The Connection web site. The call in number is 1-800-423-8255.

The Connection

Late Update: 1605EST
Archive of the show in Real Audio

  American Security in the 21st Century

contributed by Michelle
A study entitled 'New World Coming: American Security in the 21st Century' has been released by the U.S. Commission on National Security. It covers a lot of areas including electronic threats. It also introduces a new term 'Weapon of Mass Disruption'.

U.S. Commission on National Security

  Adverticle for Ernst+Young

contributed by evilwench
Normally this sort of adverticle doesn't generate much interest for us here at HNN. However, if you read this article carefully it sure looks like Ernst & Young is charging up to $100k for the use of common script kiddie techniques by their assessment staff. The quote at the end of the piece is worth a good chuckle.
FUD Factor - 8
Blatant Commercial Plug Factor - 10

The Star Telegram

  HNN Shorts

contributed by Space Rogue
Issue 36 of has been released. Version 1.53 of Donald Dick has been released. It now claims to be a polymorphic backdoor trojan.

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Last Updated: 12/01/00 at 17:30

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