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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 101599

  HDF Seeks Board Members

contributed by Mike Roaddancer
The Hacker's Defense Foundation, a not-for-profit educational foundation, is looking for members of the Hacking Community to serve on the interim board of directors. Applicants must be well established in the Hacking community, have an understanding of the operations of not-for-profit (503c) corporations, and have a desire in lending direction in mission of the Hacker's Defense Foundation:

"The Hacker's Defense Foundation is a Not-for-Profit foundation dedicated and committed to the advancement of the hacking community, through education, of the social, political, and legal implications of the uses of technology, and seeks to enlighten the public and law enforcement about hacking community through education."

Interested parties are requested to email Mike Roadancer at

The Hackers Defense Foundation

  Distributed Ping Attacks

contributed by Michelle
Internet security experts at the recent SANS Institute's annual convention in New Orleans announced that they have discovered a new Trojan Horse. This new Trojan Horse known as RingZero or Ring0.vxd sweeps the internet in search of proxy servers. Once it finds one it send the information off to another site for later retrieval. So far it is estimated that only 1000 machines have been effected.

Union Tribune

  Cyberterror Fact or Fiction?

contributed by SimonB
Electronic Pearl Harbor? According to Kevin Poulsen the US is still waiting for its electronic Grenada. The internet has been weak and vulnerable for over 20 years, since its inception, and we have yet to see this 'Pearl Harbor' materialize.

ZD Net

  Are Loss Estimates Accurate or Unduly Inflated?

contributed by Ender
A disturbing trend is emerging in computer crime across the United States. With each computer crime comes a figure for damages and losses. Not surprisingly, when media and law enforcement report these figures, they are rarely presented as estimates. These figures are becoming more and more unrealistic, reminding many of the Software Piracy Association's ridiculous accuracy.

Aviary Mag

  Hong Kong Claim Massive Progress in Defeating Pirates

contributed by Numbers
Hong Kong officials are claiming that almost 13 million CDs have been seized and 1800 people arrested for piracy this year. Officials admitted however that pirate CD imports from China and Malaysia are still a problem.

The Australian

  HNN Shorts

contributed by Space Rogue
Yesterday HNN posted some of the more eloquent comments we received from the recent MTV show True Life: I'm a Hacker. We have received a few more comments that we have added to the page. We have yet another search engine, CyberArmy, to the search page. We have finally gotten around to updating the HNN Store with some new products and of course don't forget to order your HNN T-shirt.

Comments on MTV
HNN Search Engines
HNN Store
HNN T-shirt

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Last Updated: 12/12/00 at 04:00

Arkansas Community Colleges (
ATIO Corporation (Pty) Ltd (
Edusoft ( (
Bratel Comércio e Representações LTDA ( ( (
VIST Trading Company Ltd. (
Department of Civil Aviation, United Arab Emirates (
Minnesota Hockey Ventures Group (
Loma Linda University ( (

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