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News for 102099

  MTV Called Inexcusable By ITC

contributed by Space Rogue
The Independent Television Commission (ITC) has labelled the recent MTV show on Hackers as inexcusable. The show attempted to portray what hackers and hacking is all about. Instead MTV was taken for a ride by one of the people they profiled and MTV failed to verify any of the 'facts' presented to them. The end result being that the underground community was portrayed as a bunch of criminals with no redeemable qualities.

ZD Net

Emmanuel Goldstein and the staff of 2600 spent a large amount of energy with the MTV crew when it was thought that MTV wanted to do a story on Kevin Mitnick. As it turns out MTV evidently did not have enough time and cut out all references to Mitnick.

Emmanuel Goldstein's Comments

Shamrock's Statement
HNN Reader Comments
MTV's True Life: I'm a Hacker

  Bush Web Site Defaced

contributed by punkis
The web site of presidential candidate George W Bush was defaced yesterday and filled with Marxist propaganda. Evidently in the rush to switch over from Unix to NT the administrators forgot to remove the sample .asp files.

Associated Press - via Yahoo
Wired - Screen Shot of Defacement

  Space Rogue, Editor of HNN, on ABC News Webcast Today

contributed by weld pond
Space Rogue from HNN will be interviewed today in a live webcast with Sam Donaldson. The subject is "Who hacks computers, and why?". Also appearing will be William Marlow, executive vice president of Global Integrity, a company that advises other companies on hackers/crackers.

Sam Donaldson Live! - The show will be archived for later viewing

  20% of Hosts in Singapore Vulnerable

contributed by lamer
When the local Singaporean newspaper, The Sunday Times, asked IT security firm Infinitum to check on the vulnerability of local systems they found that fully one fifth of .sg address where vulnerable to attack. Infinitum's found 13,000 registered .sg addresses with almost 8,000 actually connected to the net. The scan revealed that of those 8,000 sites 1,833 were running with outdated or unpatched software leaving them vulnerable to cyber attack.

The Straits Times

  Zambia's First Computer Crime Trial

contributed by Weld Pond
The Lusaka, Zambia government's State House web site was altered on July 7, 1999 and the intrusion was not noticed until 10 days later. Patrick Mkandawire has charged and arrested for violating the country's Telecommunications Act. His lawyer has argued that that law does not apply to his clients crimes. The court has yet to make its final ruling in this case.

Africa News

  Russian Infowar Debunked

contributed by Omega
Is Russia on the verge of cyber attack as people in the FBI and the US Military would have you believe? Or is this more saber rattling to secure funding for their anti-cyber terrorism efforts? (Definitely a good read. Makes you think twice about those comments from Michael Vatis and Gen. Hamre.)


  Distributed Coordinated Attacks

contributed by AlienPlague
A new style of DOS attacks, dubbed 'distributed coordinated attacks' may be the future of denial of service attacks. The new attack style, which has been seen a 'handful' of times over the past few weeks, are harder to detect and stop, mainly because, as the name implies, the attacks originate from more than one server.

ZD Net

  Possible Network Intrusion Scenario

contributed by Q Bahl
This is a fairly decent article that outlines how an intruder might break into a mixed NT/Unix environment. It covers zone transfers, DMZ models, password sniffing/cracking, nmap, and other well-known tools and techniques. The author actually understands that one must have root before they can install back doors.

Network Computing

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Last Updated: 11/02/00 at 13:45

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