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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


News for 120898

  Call To Arms

Late Update! 135408DEC98EST
contributed by Weld Pond
A giant leap backwards has occurred as the United States leads the totalitarian charge against strong encryption on a global level. 33 countries have agreed in principal to the Waasenaar Arrangement that will severely limit the export of strong cryptography. John Gilmore has issued a Call to Arms and is requesting the mirroring of crypto archives world wide. The time to act is now, before this agreement can be set into law. He has called for mirrors of strong cryptography to be set up behind each legal Berlin Wall that is erected to ensure that cryptography can remain available to everyone.

John Gilmore's original Call To Arms
Cryptome - Current listing of world wide mirror sites already set up
The Wassenaar Arrangement

"Freedom detects oppression as damage and routes around it." - Weld Pond

  NFR modules available

contributed by Dr. Mudge
L0phT Heavy Industries today has released several Network Flight Recorder plug in modules for the implementation of a Intrusion Detection System. Network Flight Recorder is a tool to monitor and analyze network traffic. By creating a worlds class IDS these modules illustrate the extreme flexibility of NFR.

L0phT heavy Industries

  Mitnick grants interview

contributed by Joe Nobody
Kevin Mitnick has granted an extremely rare interview to Douglas Thomas of Wired. In the interview he comments on his frustration with the increasing delays of his trial and the prosecution's foot dragging.


  Wassenaar to limit crypto

contributed by Space Rogue
We reported on this last week but Wired has come up with a story describing how 33 countries have agreed in principal to the Wassenaar Arrangement to limit Crypto exports. This agreement is be being strongly pushed by the United States.

Wassenaar Arrangement

  CompuServe touts Security

contributed by Space Rogue
CompuServe in New Zealand is using the recent problems with other area ISPs Ihug and Xtra to claim that it is more secure. A CompuServe representative claims that "there is no excuse for having inferior security mechanisms in place" and claims that they go to "great lengths to ensure that would-be hackers are kept away from client information an d passwords". They have challenged other area ISPs to do the same.


  Credit Cards safe on the net?

contributed by Space Rogue
A rather interesting article with a time line detailing the security or safety of using a credit card online.

San Jose Mercury News

  Pentagon pulled info

contributed by Space Rogue
Another interesting article that delves into the recent decision by the Pentagon to pull unclassified information from government web sites that may give terrorists the upper hand.

Scientific American

contributed by Anonymous
It would appear that, an ISP in Westfield NY, owned by Chautauqua & Erie Telephone Corp. has been rather severely compromised. HNN has received an anonymous email containing what appears to be their /etc/passwd file. "They have no security at all" claimed the email.

HNN received another anonymous email claiming that HcV had broken into The defaced web page contained numerous expletives and pornographic comments and was supposedly up for over twelve hours.

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 06/12/00 at 23:00

Renault Italia (
Adventure Publishing (
BT Belgium (
Banca Manzano (
Real Estate Success (
Banca Aimi (
Banca Popolare di Ravenna (
GlobeNet Software (
Monitor Company, Decision Architects Division (
InterPlanet, SA (
InterNext (
Net2Phone Italia (
Crucified UK (
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (
Ballons Baskets & Lingerie (
Colleton County School Distruct (

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