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News for 122298

  Intel's Security Plans Worry PC Builders

contributed by Weld Pond
Intel wants to own the security inside each machine using their chipset. This chipset will include encryption capabilities and digital certificate technology. Think the NSA has a backdoor scoped out for this? How will it be weakend or subverted by the government? Inquiring hackers want to know.

INtel Security Plans

  Meeks gives a video lowdown on the latest crypto agreement

contributed by Weld Pond
Wassenaar Agreement got you riled. Here Brock Meeks and Declan McCullagh speak the truth about our power and control freaks in Washington.

The Sync

  New NT virus spreads via NT networks

contributed by Weld Pond
So Back Orifice wasn't enough of a potential trojan wake up call to corporate America running their critical business apps on NT networks. Most companies and most NT administrators don't understand security well enough to effectively secure their networks. UNIX admins know not to run untrusted software as root. Do NT admins think about this or are they running the lastest email attachment their buddy from college sent them?

Everyone has this story:


Check out this funny quote from the CNET story: 'This means Windows NT is a very large target of opportunity now,' Dietz said. 'We have to make the leap of faith that attackers are as good as a certified NT administrator.'


  Furby Hacking!

contributed by Tidepool
Hack furby for fun and glory.

Hack Furby Site MSNBC

  McAfee Virus Scanner 4.0 detects BO

contributed by Simply411
McAfee VirusScan "finally" detects BO/plugins after months of release. by Simply411 As I was updating my McAfee Virus Scanner from 4.0 to 4.0.02, I noticed it detected: BOSERVE.EXE infected by Orifice.srv BOGUI.EXE infected by Orifice.cli.b BOCLIENT.EXE infected by Orifice.cli.a (check the site below for a whole list of "infected files") and plug-ins on my machine while I was doing a regular scan. It was detected in it's archived state (.zip) and in its executable state. It also detects BO if it is installed. The Virus Scanner also states that there are "no removers available". As most of the underground knows, there are a lot of BO removers out there, AntiGen being one of them, which is also the widely used on net. McAfee also detects BO plug-ins and also states that the are "no removers available". McAfee's VSheild will not let you execute BOGUI.EXE, BOCLIENT.EXE . So BO users must disable VSHEILD in order to use the most widely used "hacking tool" on the net. McAfee Virus Scanner will only detect BO and it's plugins in version 4.0.02, it wi ll not detect it with older versions You can see a Screen Capture at my site the Back Orifice Resource Center (B.O.R.C): Email: Site: (Ed Note: Norton Antivirus detects it now too.)

contributed by Anonymous Hacked
A few people wrote to say that has been hacked. This obviously is not a real site and is just a joke site. Before mailing do a 'whois' and look at when the domain was created and who owns it. THis one was created on the 14th and looks pretty hokey to me. No company name and the address is PO Box 7, San Jose, CA. Definetely bogus. Hacked
On the other hand, this hacked site looks legit.

Keen Veracity #6 is out
Download it from Packet Storm Security Table of Contents:
[01X10] Introduction Digital Ebola
[02X10] Letters to Editor The Readers
[03X10] The Morris Internet Worm Defiant
[04x10] Setting Up Subnets m0f0
[05X10] Defunct Internet Protocol [DIP Security] Optiklenz
[06X10] Exploiting PPP Frame Byte-Stuffing Noc-Wage
[07X10] NT Security- Tips & Techniques Neathack
[08X10] Rootfest `99 Details Defiant/Lothos
[09X10] Revamped bootp Exploit Bronc Buster
[10X10] In the News sources

NT Penetration Document Released
Neonsurge and the Rhino9 team have put together a great resource for penetrating NT networks. It is available on the Rhino9 site.

Latest cracked pages courtesy of
Last Updated: 12/12/00 at 16:45

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