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Today's News

United Loan Gunmen    
On matters of style, swim with the current, on matters of principal, stand like a rock. -Thomas Jefferson

Welcome ABC patrons.

Do not adjust your monitor, and stop hitting the refresh button. This is a real hack.


There are so many things to say with this type of forum, and it is hard for one to know where to begin. A message is what we would like to convey to all who may be reading this one way or another. As the internet becomes the dominating medium in this curr ent era, many are striving to plug in and see what this world of the byte has to offer. Televison and other forms of elderly media is slowly being drown out as more and more people are looking to there computers for there information and entertainment. As what has always happend with televison, radio, and newspapers, corporations and companies are trying to stake there claim into our information superhighway. Unlike the world of TV and radio... the common man, like you and I, can take control.

We can have a freedom that you cant get by flipping on your television. One can explore and control anything that one could want, if the time and the effort is there. Hacking and hackers are very real. We exist to explore. The internet is there not onl y for you to use, but for you to control.

anyways... yes its Loan, not Lone.