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HIGH KIDS John Vranesevich is a bitch.
JP (otherwise known as John Vranesevich) contacted Harvard early this morning and threatened to sue them because of the content in the jp/ directory.
This word got out to the Harvard Office of General Counsel, and was soon taken down.
The result: the server and the website and it's contents are permanently offline, and they have no access to even retrieve anything off of the server. The site known as "Packet Storm" is history now. All of the content and the backups made are either dest royed, being destroyed now, or will be before they can do anything to prevent this.

Harvard is facing a lawsuit from JP, and PacketStorm is facing a lawsuit from JP, and possibly some sort of legal action from Harvard.
It's possible that Harvard may try to pull a "we caught a hacker / Randal Schwartz / Intel" kind of bullshit so they can free themselves of any liability, and use them as the fall people for the whole thing. All agreements with Harvard in the beginning we re verbal, so they do not have anything on paper to back up the truth.

Packetstorm may receive charges involving "hacking" or computer crimes of some sort, because they "never had a Harvard ID, and thus was not authorized to use their facilities", and that they "compromised their security." In fact, Packetstorm was invited t o use Harvard by the Senior Sysadmin.
Everything that "Packetstorm" has ever done is gone.
Packetstorm was getting 400,000 hits/day and doing about 10 GB/day in transfers.

Now, because JP is such a cock sucker, Packetstorm is no more, and never will be again.

This is not really "grafiti" this is more "Hacker News Live" then anything. If hackers can make a diffrence in your opinion with security, etc.. then maybe we can get a message across..
Don't belive in John Vranesevich.. he is jelious more than anything else in the world, and is now trying to take attrition down for commenting him.
Fair? No. Stupid? Of course. I sudjest everyone shows JP where to stick it.. remember that JP Is a fraudulant waste of bullshit in humanity, and should die a painful slow death.
- The keebler elves. (not cookies, not elvis, ELVES.)

free f0bic.